
By Kassiopia - 14/11/2009 12:35 - United States

Today, my Dad decided to take his medicine before eating. He passed out with his face in a plate of chocolate cake. He wasn't responsive so I called the paramedics. When he got to the hospital, the doctor asked him if he knew why he was there. He replied, "Because my stupid daughter overreacted." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 401
You deserved it 3 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Why did you interrupt the man in the middle of a cake-gasm?

Ellowise_fml 0

Ignore him. You did the right thing.


XanimalloverX 0

Sometimes my parents find me asleep sitting up because my medications are so strong. You did the right thing though by calling the paramedics

SilverStrs5 0

When he allowed to leave make his ass walk home for that comment while you drive! You did right!

Don't you have to pay for hospital visits in the US? Because if you do he might not be happy that he has to pay when he wasn't sick

Erindub 0

Aww that sucks but you were just being cautious. I'm glad your dads okay.

Erindub 0

Yeah we pay for hosputal visits in the US. It sucks pretty bad. I once had to visit the E.R. and in the 5 hours I qas there I racked up $20,000 in bills!

I agree... next time left him suffocate in his cake.... and take pics to post on FB :)

dudeitsdanny 9

It could have been diabetes medicine. And he was eating chocolate cake. And he didn't just fall asleep, he was unresponsive. I would have called the paramedics. But then again, I don't take chances when it comes to people's health. FYL OP.

xSceneSceneBabyx 0

aww, that's a waste of cake! oh, and that sucks for you too.