By alliez108 - 18/11/2011 00:50 - United States
Same thing different taste
By ZeroApostle4Ever - 23/02/2012 08:00 - United States
By Yoooooo0 - 29/11/2009 18:10 - United States
By ahuman - 29/09/2013 05:10 - United States
By mother teresa was a cunt - 17/09/2015 14:54 - United States - Cleveland
By Anonymous - 03/04/2011 15:14 - United States
Fun for all the family
By Anonymous - 14/04/2021 02:00
By Jaws - 10/02/2011 16:09 - France
By Anonymous - 14/07/2010 06:14 - United States
Eventful day
By Anonymous - 30/07/2021 23:01 - Bahrain - Manama
By Anonymous - 30/08/2010 10:34 - Oman
Top comments
Your dad is a boss haha
I'm a little tired of everything being referred to as being "boss".
Make a new batch of brownies then eat the corner pieces first then move some center pieces to the corners then melt Exlax over them Then do the finger pyramid of evil (Mr. burns) Then do an evil laugh.
39 - and I'm tired of your pro pic r u still in middle school? Ur obnoxiouss
Parenting at its finest. [:
Make a fresh batch of weed brownies and let him have it all. While he is violently high steal his wallet and go to town at bestbuy :)
Everyone's comment in this thread is boss! 39-except yours. And maybe the chick laughing basically an "lol" but that's worse than receiving a bunch of texts only saying "lol" And it builds character lol.
Who wants the corner piece?! I go for middle pieces :) yumm...
Wow. Am I the only one who hopes this was fake? Over a brownie a father sprained his childs wrist.. And someone called that boss? I'm so done with this world.
Hey #39.... No one cares! ;)
Food chain in effect.
op should take some martial arts lessons
Survival of the fittest!
Well either he's a fatass or a pothead
Jumber10 , do you realize how dumb you just sounded?
There was no food thread in this comment section :( here I'll start cookies are amazing :D 87 can I have what you're smoking?
well.. i mean.. it WAS the corner piece..
Hahhaha lol ik
I like the middle pieces better. Softer and more gooey.
Be a man. Stand up to your father. Well they do say you will grow up to be like your father. Quite a scary thought... If you are female, you know how to piss him off
There are pans that bake brownies and gets all the pieces to have that crunchy corner.
You must train harder to snatch pebble from palm, grasshopper.
Must be some weed brownies
he punched u?! what a nice dad u have..
I thought the same thing. Psychopath?
Domestic violence... Don't think it can't happen to you! and you... and even YOU!
A hobo will live in your chimney and start beating you up.
Don't even try to escape. A hobo will build you a chimney if you don't have one.
I love the corner piece of baked brownies. For some reason they taste so much better than the center.(:
can u blame him? it's brownies!

You must train harder to snatch pebble from palm, grasshopper.
Food chain in effect.