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Emotional support

By Anonymous - 10/01/2022 17:01

Today, I went to the emergency room with my boyfriend, only to sit there for 3 hours waiting for him to be seen, then having an argument with him about how impatient I am because they never called his name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 494
You deserved it 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless he is on death's door, 3 hours is just a warm-up in the ER during these Covid times. Start getting testy in the 8 hour range or so.

If he's the one in pain but you're the one complaining, he's probably right.


Unless he is on death's door, 3 hours is just a warm-up in the ER during these Covid times. Start getting testy in the 8 hour range or so.

If he's the one in pain but you're the one complaining, he's probably right.