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By bradyman - 29/12/2009 15:09 - United States

Today, I went to the dentist after not being there for 3 years. I was told that I had loads of cavities and that I would need to pay $3,000 for a serious mouth surgery. The reason I hadn't been to the dentist in 3 years: I've been married to a dentist for 3 years that said my teeth were "perfect." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 362
You deserved it 6 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

WTF ever. dentists lie and say you need all this surgery to get paid! I had 16 cavities once as a teen and did not have effing oral surgery. get a 2nd and 3rd opinion before you waste money and your insurance drop you.

You still need to go. They have the right tools to check on your teeth and gums.


So what? You are married to a dentist. He can do it for free. And if he's too lazy, he can pay for it. What is that, like a week's salary at the most?

well obviously the dentist he is married to is a shitty dentist so why would he want them to do the dental work, they clearly don't know how to do their job properly.

zach055 23

The new dentist is trying to swindle you out of 3,000 dollars buy giving you unnessery surgury.

ryguy997 0

81- the op is a man so the dentist is a she.

soccerpringles 0

That's why she sucks at being a dentist... Because she's a woman. She shouldn't be working, she should be in the kitchen... WHERE SHE BELONGS! :D

sierralovesyou 0

Um, what the hell is wrong with you? You're a woman dumbass.

You still need to go. They have the right tools to check on your teeth and gums.

pancakes_n_syrup 0

And you don't think they take their tools home? Her husband should have all the same tools, if he's a real dentist that is

A. His wife B. X-ray machines? I've been to a few dental offices where they use them to check on teeth/gums. I doubt they take those home.

OP didn't say anything about NOT taking x-rays. Maybe he visited his wife's office to get his teeth checked and x-rays taken?

BlinkOnceForYes 0

I am sorry but I don't think dentists just take their tools home OR have tools at home to do things. Usually people leave work at work.

IOwnedYou 0

What exactly would be the point of bringing them home?

I'm studying dentistry... and my impression is that it is very common to take home some instruments. At least a dental probe and a mirror. :-)

why would her husband take the dental tools home? he's not a mechanic :S

If OP's wife is a dentist, it's not her job. It's the hygenist's job to clean and examine patients. She should have taken him to a hygenist.

thinmint 0

WTF ever. dentists lie and say you need all this surgery to get paid! I had 16 cavities once as a teen and did not have effing oral surgery. get a 2nd and 3rd opinion before you waste money and your insurance drop you.

IOwnedYou 0

Yeah. It happened to my friend when he went to the orthodontist. They gave him tones of equipment (braces, and such) that he didn't need which cost him tones of money.

@72 an orthodontist is literally someone who puts braces on. The **** did you expect?

if your wife promised your teeth were "perfect" for 3 years and didn't clean your teeth & mouth for you like a proper dentist during that period of time then...YDI.

Yarrachel 16

YDI for causing your cavities by eating too much sugar, and therefore making me think of candy and cookies. I'm hungry, dammit!

BlinkOnceForYes 0

I once went an entire year without eating sugar and taking proper care of my teeth and I still got a cavity. I think it has to do more with proper nutrition than sugar.

IOwnedYou 0

It's not just candy.. It has to do with brushing and flossing well.. I've never had a cavity, and I have a sweet tooth.

sierralovesyou 0

Yeah, I've never had a cavity and I eat tons of sugar. Not proud, but my sweet tooth is over powering!

It has nothing to do with the sugar, it's the bacteria which feed off of it and quit being such a dumbass while commenting.

Dentists like to get paid; you might want a second opinion.. not from your wife, by the way.

Batman4890 0

maby he is lying? dentists can do that you no and why not wen its gona make you $3000?

So have your spouse do the work and pay her instead.

Yeah, I would def get a second opinion. When I got my braces off, with everything they had done to me, one of my teeth had died. So it was slightly greyer than my other teeth. My family dentist told me to wait it out and see if it got any worse (I was engaged at the time and looking to do engagement photos fairly soon after that). I went to another dentist who was very straightforward and understood my concern. She said it wasnt a question of IF it got worse, it was WHEN. When she did my full root canal, she took a picture of the root to show my other dentist that it was dead.

sierralovesyou 0

Woww I am so sorry! That sucks so bad...