By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By BulldogHoops - 12/11/2012 05:12 - United States - Broken Arrow
By well scrooge you too - 26/12/2015 04:24 - United States - North Myrtle Beach
By speechless - 01/06/2013 00:50 - United Kingdom - Wallasey
By Anonymous - 25/02/2021 20:01 - Australia
By Elrond Hubbard - 24/01/2015 19:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/05/2014 19:00 - United Kingdom - Aylesbury
By brokeasajoke - 01/11/2013 12:58 - United States - El Reno
By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 02:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/12/2010 05:49 - United States
By CanadianTwin - 06/07/2012 06:52 - Canada - Grande Prairie
Should of gave him a weird look and told him to smarten up.
Ah the ever classic brutality of spell checking and grammar nazi FMLers.
@25- Welcome to the internet.
Ah,Noor's picture is always cause for amusement. Say hello to Ezio for me. ^^
As long as it isn't your post right?
Post, right*
What a nice comment. Keep them coming, maybe one day might be dominated for a Nobel price
Dominated eh? Not sure that's how it works! Oh and hahaha
O **** autocorrect, o well time crawl under a rock.... Thumb me down pls,
We all have Been there pet! I thumb you up! Smile :-)
50- You don't have to ask me to thumb you down. I'm a grammar Nazi. :)
Good cause no one asked you...
Darn. Looks like I said something really stupid, this is the first time I've been mercilessly buried. I guess I'll go on a shameful commenting hiatus for a couple of days.
And I just kill people!
No more people killing!
Karma's only a bitch if you are!
So I guess karmas a bitch then.
Thanks for sharing. Diseases are funny, huh?
That's a new one lol
My mum usually talks back in German to throw them off. Sometimes they speak back in German. She's lost then, as she only knows a few words. Not too clever either.
Just make up your own language.. If they start talking back in the same Jibberish, go ahead and give them some money, they've earned it. :D
32 *Yo no hablo inglés. Good try though.
Lol 32- that's pretty much how I answer my phone if I don't know the number. 'Moshi Moshi? No engrish... Sorreh, no...' I get some interesting replies. But as for the FML. I dont see a reason to act dumb honestly, just tell them straight: sorry, I don't carry cash.
das ist nicht gut.
There's nothing "FML" about this. None of that had anything to do with you, you just sound like a self centered preteen embarrassed by their dad's shenanigans.
I read this comment before it got moderated, and all I have to say to you is that you make a lot of assumptions.
I don't like being asked to donate either (it makes me feel overly pressured) but your dad could've just politely declined, like most normal people do.
There's the problem. He's not a normal person.
The worst part about Alzheimer's disease is...uh, I forget.
Oh yeah! you mean the.... What was it again?
No no! You're both wrong! It's the...wait who are you people?
Muriel!!! Where's muh dinner?
Noor who's your husband again?
36, that's A.D.D.
63, is there a reason you had to just chew me up and down? Until right now I've always thought your comments were entertaining but thanks for being a jackass for absolutely no reason.
What are you talking about?
This is hilarious!! I would have laughed my ass off! My dad does the same stuff all the time and I think it's great :D
I did laugh! It was completely inappropriate for the occasion, though, so that's why it's an FML. (Oh, and I'm the OP.)
My mum usually talks back in German to throw them off. Sometimes they speak back in German. She's lost then, as she only knows a few words. Not too clever either.
The worst part about Alzheimer's disease is...uh, I forget.