Everything hurts

By waste - 23/08/2021 16:01

Today, I was accidentally rude to a customer and she told me to kill myself. My boss came over, told me that she agreed wholeheartedly with the customer, and then said, "I have no idea where you got this delusion that anyone would be sad if you died." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 389
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hire a lawyer -- this is a "hostile work environment." I'm sure that endorsing your suicide is not within the bounds of civil behavior. Don't bother with HR. They are just the thugs working for the bosses.

yeah that's time to make a formal complaint and depending on where you live that can also be highly illegal to tell someone to kill themselves


I can’t quite picture what “accidentally rude to a customer means”. You were either rude or you weren’t. So I assume you were rude. Rule number 1 in customer service, don’t be rude regardless of what the customer says or does. Rule number 2, always assume the person is a customer or potential customer. While saying you should die or that no one would care if you died is way over the line, It sounds like you were particularly rude to get your boss and the customer to agree on that.

Hire a lawyer -- this is a "hostile work environment." I'm sure that endorsing your suicide is not within the bounds of civil behavior. Don't bother with HR. They are just the thugs working for the bosses.

yeah that's time to make a formal complaint and depending on where you live that can also be highly illegal to tell someone to kill themselves

randybryant799 20

How are you accidentally rude?