
By Nomoretexting - 01/11/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, I received a 4-page text message from my mom explaining what she was going to do to me tonight, in full detail. I'm one name below her boyfriend on her contact list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 492
You deserved it 2 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

picturetaker 0

hahahaha FYL. I always double check who I'm sending my dirty texts too. that would have been a bit awkward.


YDI for having your mom on your cell phone Also just do "Nah I'ma just stick it in"

holeinchest 0

u should have said "that sounds good. time and place." lmao

chocolatewhite 0
picturetaker 0

hahahaha FYL. I always double check who I'm sending my dirty texts too. that would have been a bit awkward.

haha wow imagine how embaressed she'll be

perdix 29

She's going to know what you are doing just under her boyfriend. Contact list, my ass!