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Fix that lock

By embarrassed - 10/11/2022 12:00

Today, I went to the bathroom. I locked the stall door, but got walked in on anyway. This is the eighth time this has happened this week, and multiple people think I’m just too stupid to lock the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 722
You deserved it 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's only happening to you, odds are good that you are too stupid. A lock should, you know, lock the door so it won't open.

HeartlessAngel00 2


Either you're too stupid or you are actually an exhibitionist who likes showing off his junk.

If it's only happening to you, odds are good that you are too stupid. A lock should, you know, lock the door so it won't open.

HeartlessAngel00 2
rotflqtms_ 21

Test the door after you lock it.