Fixed it

By Anonymous - 12/12/2012 03:50 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I announced to my coworkers that I'd "fixed the massive problem" they'd all been complaining about. Eleven different people made guesses at what the problem had been, ranging from how bad I smell to if I had learned to brush my teeth. I just meant that I'd fixed the coffee machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 892
You deserved it 8 667

Same thing different taste


Well now you need to fix the other problems by taking showers and brushing your teeth.

hewro_failure 11

Well that's your fault ... You should learn and practice personal hygiene

Well.. Now you know. Make sure you take care of it unless you like being the stinky person in the office.

Well on the bright side, at least now you know what else needs fixing!

jarockstar27 10

I'm sorry but if that many people think you're hygiene is that much of a problem then you deserve those comments. You have to know that you smell.

Wow that's just harsh. Sucks to be you. -__-

First, why would you announce that you've fixed a problem generically and not just say I fixed the coffee machine? Secondly, from everyone's guesses it seems you got a little insight into how you're perceived. Now start to make the changes needed in your hygiene so people won't have such a negative overview of you.