All shook up

By Mike - 15/12/2010 11:57

Today, while giving a brief presentation at work, I blanked out on what I was going to say. I tried to make a joke and tell them I'd had a brain fart, but all I managed to say was, "I farted." Well, at least they all laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 082
You deserved it 8 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The technical name for not being able to think of the correct word is um...uh...


Your granny told me you shat the bed on Saturday!

yeah, it's lucky he didnt have a 'brain shit' haha I kid, I kid!

Nah mate, I shit on your granny. Gave her a good old Cleveland Steamer. She loved it.

fakeaccountX 6

Alabama Hotpockets are the way to go.

tnt227 4

ouch FYL :( I also blank out when speaking publicly

There's nothing wrong with a little comedic "relief", even if you weren't aware that it slipped out.

unluckybastard18 0

w/e you do don't picture everyone in their underwear you say something dumber.