Fixed it

By Anonymous - 12/12/2012 03:50 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I announced to my coworkers that I'd "fixed the massive problem" they'd all been complaining about. Eleven different people made guesses at what the problem had been, ranging from how bad I smell to if I had learned to brush my teeth. I just meant that I'd fixed the coffee machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 892
You deserved it 8 667

Same thing different taste


tj5810 21

F THEIR life for having to work with someone who doesn't practice good hygiene. Ick!

Maybe you should work on your hygiene a bit then...

RedPillSucks 31

YDI. Next time, be more specific.

You set yourself up for that one really.

Um I think its quite apparent from their guesses that you have some hygiene issues you need to deal with. ydi