
By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 17:33 - United States

Today, I flashed my boobs at my boyfriend's boss. My boyfriend was wearing tan pants and a black sweater. His boss was wearing black pants and a tan sweater. From 100 feet away they looked the same… until my boyfriend came up behind me, wanting to know what I was doing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 908
You deserved it 48 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brookeec 0

Why would you flash someone in public anyways?

tdub10 2

Haha.... Maybe, you can get him a raise.


RawrJoannaful 2

They where not wearing the same outfit and why were you flashing someone in public and THAT far away? I feel sorry for your boyfriend for having to put up with you and your shitty excuses. FHL.

shaniecerb 0

y r u flashing him at his job?pretty dum of u to do that

jadejazmyn 5

What is wrong with you flashing people at work. Seriously! Idiot!

samikitty961 8

why would you flash someone from 100 feet away?

greensalsalove 0

do you normally flash your boyfriend in public??

No top/bottom color swaps don't look the same. Ever.