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By Rosies - 30/11/2008 02:34 - France

Today, I introduced my boyfriend to my parents. We all looked together at family photos on the computer. The first picture was a close up of my mother, bare breasts in full view. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 591
You deserved it 3 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YourLifeDoeSuck 0

why do you have a picture of your mom's breasts

Did he see your mom's **** before he saw yours? :O


YourLifeDoeSuck 0

why do you have a picture of your mom's breasts

michael32123 0
LeStab 4

I did yes! so you know how long it took me to find this FML?!?

and why do u have a pic of ur moms boobs? was she drunk? even if she was drunk didn't u think once about DELETING the pic? cuz that's just grosssss:(

#3, why do people say that ******* creeps. OP: ewww ..

They say that because they have a sense of humor, and are trying to make other people smile.

Did he see your mom's **** before he saw yours? :O

215statechamp 0

You should have a question mark, not an exclaimation mark.

PrinceFroggy 0

Should I use a question mark too!

im_a_nerd 0
HeyThereGorgeous 0

This is not only FYL but F his life for seeing that, F her life for having him see that, and F your dads life for being at the scene. Out of pure curiousity, how was the reaction?