Foot in mouth

By Noname - 24/02/2009 05:05 - United States

Today, one of my closest friends and I got into a fight. She ended the conversation with, "My grandma just had a stroke. Bye." I didn't believe her so I replied "That's great. Bye." Turns out her Grandma is in the hospital in critical condition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 652
You deserved it 57 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you win an argument by bringing up critically ill relatives? Was the topic at hand: "who's grandmother is the most ill"? Don't feel too guilty, she probably ran out of arguments and tried to hurt you any way she could.

Yeh anyone who uses sick relatives as leverage has issues, I agree with #1


Ya' know its awful that your friend used her dying grandma in that just to make you feel bad.

ellaterra 1

That's horrible :( my girlfriend and her ex best friend get into fights like that and still do. Don't kill yourself over it you didn't know that just man up and tell them that

Thats just your friend trying to make you feel bad and diverting the argument from the real problem. My ex did that when we broke up too. No worries, if her grandmother was truly in critical condition she wouldn't be far from the hospital arguing with you.

Talk it out with your friend, if she really is a close one, she will understand and forgive you

"I didn't believe her" okay but why? Makes no damn sense