For better, for worse

By limegreengiraffe - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Lubbock

Today, my boyfriend and I went shopping for an engagement ring. We ended up breaking up in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 775
You deserved it 7 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are other lime green giraffes in the sea.

Chiroptera_Man 10

"Do you like this diamond?" "I was thinking of getting moissanite instead." "YOU'RE A MONSTER. IT'S OVER!" Something like that?


Engagement is retarded. he doesn't want marriage. it's basically a rain check to shut you up.

ninety 25

If a guy doesn't want marriage with someone that does, he should straight tell her or break up with her so she can find someone that does instead of being selfish and wasting her time by proposing to her under false pretenses.

Astrum14 24

It makes a lot more sense to shop together for a ring. That way you can get something that the person who has to wear it likes.

What's the issue here? You just saved a loy of time and bullshit.

And saves the guy money if he bought a ring, proposed and was rejected.

itcomesinthrees 10

Well, it's for the best then. If you can't get through that, you wouldn't have a lasting marriage anyways. Now you can both move on and find the right people.

Clearly the 2 of you are nowhere mature enough in your relationship for marriage.