For better, for worse

By limegreengiraffe - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Lubbock

Today, my boyfriend and I went shopping for an engagement ring. We ended up breaking up in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 776
You deserved it 7 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are other lime green giraffes in the sea.

Chiroptera_Man 10

"Do you like this diamond?" "I was thinking of getting moissanite instead." "YOU'RE A MONSTER. IT'S OVER!" Something like that?


anonymous100000 17

then it's not meant to be. sorry OP, but that's not a normal scenario to go through when looking at engagement rings. saved yourself from heartbreak in the long run

At least you know what arguments would of been like getting married. I'm very sorry.

How do two people break up while getting an engagement ring? I'm guessing the boyfriend didn't want to buy what OP wanted, or OP didn't want what the boyfriend was getting.

Was it because you felt you "deserved" a more expensive diamond? Difficult to tell if it's an FML or YDI.

martin8337 35

Maybe you're better off. Marriage is a three ring circus: Engagement ring Wedding ring Suffering

You must be doing it wrong. I've been with my wife for 15 years and I assure you the suffering decreased when we got together. I don't pretend that my experience is universal, though...nor do I steal other people's jokes.

Astrum14 24

If your marriage can be summed up as "suffering", you should probably get a divorce.

What happened exactly? Was one of you being too demanding about the rings?

If you had this type of a problem over a ring, then it's definitely a good thing you broke up. yeah I know, the rings supposed to be "perfect" and symbolize your "love" but that's bs. your love is your love, no object can symbolize it because it can break, get stolen...etc. you two shouls've been happy you were in love instead of trying to find a perfect ring...and yes I know OP didn't state they were arguing or things of that nature in the FML but it can be inferred by the ring shopping leading to a break up.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

But every couple tries to find the perfect rings that they both like...

yeah but people need to realize a ring is just a ring, it has and shouldn't hold no value in your love life/marriage. A husband or wife's love is not dependent of the ring.

yeah but people need to realize a ring is just a ring, it has and shouldn't hold no value in your love life/marriage. A husband or wife's love is not dependent of the ring and should be no problem in a marriage/relationship, "oh I don't like the ring" is a bad reason to end a relationship unless that relationship wasn't as good as someone thought. A ring is an object and to be honest people don't truly know what they want, they should be happy they get a ring at all as some people are still trying to find their partner.

Maybe I'm confused, but doesn't the boyfriend usually shop for the engagement ring by himself then propose later? Sounds like trouble waiting to happen if you shop together, at least in my opinion..

Good thing you found out he wasn't the one for you today rather then 10 years down the road

Better sooner than later. Think of it this way: You just avoided making a very expensive mistake.