For those who work in customer service, we salute you

By fenris - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Saint Austell

Today, whilst at work, I was serving a customer when her kid ran up to me and threw up. It was a 10-hour shift, and I was one hour in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 694
You deserved it 769

Top comments

I feel like workplaces should be required to let someone at least go home to change if something like that happens.

tell the manager that ur sick and u threw up that vomit. take the rest of the day off ;)


raysmith121 10

Well I was 3 hours in and I got blood on my pants. I'm on a 24.

It's always best to have a second Pair of clothes to change into! Speaking from a medical standpoint