For those who work in customer service, we salute you

By fenris - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Saint Austell

Today, whilst at work, I was serving a customer when her kid ran up to me and threw up. It was a 10-hour shift, and I was one hour in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 694
You deserved it 769

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I feel like workplaces should be required to let someone at least go home to change if something like that happens.

tell the manager that ur sick and u threw up that vomit. take the rest of the day off ;)


tell the manager that ur sick and u threw up that vomit. take the rest of the day off ;)

Maybe it's just me, but there are too many factors that could get OP caugut and in trouble

I feel like workplaces should be required to let someone at least go home to change if something like that happens.

In a customer service job, I'd think the manager would not only let, but require you to go home and change, or provide a new uniform if available. No one wants to be served by someone covered in vomit. Not a good impression of the company.

Ugh. Getting gross stuff on your clothes early on in the shift is the worst. I feel your pain, OP. Just try to keep your mind off it, and take a shower as soon as you get home.

I know kids can throw up for a lot of reasons that aren't contagious. But just in case that kid has the flu or something, your boss should've let you go home to at least change. That way, you aren't just spreading plague around the place all shift long.

FalloutScrolls 25

I can't believe that there wouldn't be an exception in the case of biological waste for you to at least go home, get a change of clothes, and come back.

You have to throw up on him. That's the only way he's going to learn.

Almost like That time when I was changing the ketchup bags and one of them exploded all over my apron. Or the other time (literally 2 hours later) when, even though I'm the shortest person there, I was asked to refill the frosty machine and ended up dumping half of it down my shirt

If your boss can't let you go home to Change then you should really rethink where you're working... that's disgusting to have to work all day in pukey clothes...