Forever alone

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - Finland

Today, my sad ass got walked in on by a relative while I was having an imaginary conversation, with an imaginary friend, and I was talking out loud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 609
You deserved it 2 573

Top comments

Get a Bluetooth headset. $10 and you can effectively hide your insanity from the world. Also, you don't have to hold your phone while you talk for real, either.

*Clears throat* "Today, my sad ass got walked in on by a relative while I was having an imaginary conversation, with an imaginary friend, and I was talking out loud. FML"


*Clears throat* "Today, my sad ass got walked in on by a relative while I was having an imaginary conversation, with an imaginary friend, and I was talking out loud. FML"

Get a Bluetooth headset. $10 and you can effectively hide your insanity from the world. Also, you don't have to hold your phone while you talk for real, either.

If she questions you, just act extremely confused and pretend there is an actual person there. She'll think she's the crazy one instead of you!

nonsensical 26

Or OP might get sent to the asylum

it's normal for me. my family looks at me weird but they know I have no friends

Lock eyes with your relative and say, "What?!? You got a problem with the hard-of-hearing?"

I imagine that was quite embarrassing

species4872 19

So, what's the problem? Were they expecting you to be texting your imaginary friend?

I do this sometimes. I live in fear of the day that someone will catch me.

shiny223 6

This made me so sad ? u have my support friend... life is rough and everyone deserves someone or thing to talk to