By pizzaface - 09/08/2011 17:35 - United States
Same thing different taste
By blondessdoll - 04/05/2016 17:30 - United States
By BaMiTsAnYa - 16/09/2013 01:21 - United States - Orlando
By Iswearihavegoodhygiene - 04/11/2018 05:00
By waxinghorror - 11/07/2009 20:11 - United States
By Eyebrowless - 06/06/2015 16:29 - United States - Willingboro
By Nickolas - 31/12/2010 05:58 - United States
By LoserOfTheYear - 09/11/2009 22:27 - United States
By booo - 27/07/2012 17:46 - United States - Minden
By Anonymous - 02/11/2009 17:48 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/11/2010 10:01 - United States
Top comments
pop yo own damn zits!
I rather have someone else pop my zits I always make scars I hope u didn't get scared if you dud you should charge her
Shoulda vizited the dermatologist first :D see what I did there? ;)
That was nice of her, at least you don't have a zit anymore!
38- haha nice one lol
I would have been pissed. Popping them causes and leaves acne scars. Plus, you don't know where or what her hands have touched so she could have put bacteria in that popped zit. You deserve it for letting her.
Wow 42 you just help the point that the majority of Americans are effing stupid.
well, im a freakin idiot because i still dont get it /: someone explain, please ?(:
He put viZITed
Happy late birthday!!! @igotnipplerings
102- In Amreeka it does, cuz we is dumb. But I still think we is not dumb becuz are report card says AA+! (bad grammar and spelling intentional)
she just wanted to make sure it wasn't a third eye staring her down
Should be grateful she didn't give you an ass whooping for complaining about it.
a full 5 min 42?
Only a dollar?!
You should of said popping was the tip
It's gross for someone else to pop your pimple without permission.
That sucks
Anything could of happened
Stupid iPod sorry wrong comment thread.
at least you didn't have to do it o.O
for a dollar, I could have gotten 4 gum balls. gum balls>physical appearance
omg I want a gumball now...
What could be better than balls?
Pussy is better then balls
Not true I would much rather do it myself.
Should have popped it before you went
Should have switched off the "bitch switch" before she left as well.
I am going to start saying this....
What happens if she didn't notice it or it was formed later that day.
it's just like prostitution, you have to pay a dollar extra for the tip.
76- I see what you did there lmao
Wooow. Big deal! You paid a dollar -.-
A dollar is a lot of money! Well it was 100 years ago, stupid inflation :D
Tasty... ;)
Your picture is disturbing
it's not disturbing at all. Sheesh. -_-
27 I'll take your job for you. *ahem* Your picture/ is down with the sickness!/ I/ apoligize!/ for my/ comment/ not being so gooood! good./ Couldn't think of much/ lyrics./ I had to make it!/ because of you./ It wasn't so goooood! good./ I had to/ diss you lyricaly/ sorry/, but I'm no superman./ You just got served. :D
30 - in Fergilicious they say TASTY TASTY :D
creeepppyyyyy piiccccccctuuurrreee scccarrreedddd floor liiifffee
You mean "for" right? Also why type like that? What did you do accidentally hold down your key while typing?
An entire dollar?! Dayyyumm your life sucks. -_-
Hahahah drug reference I'm in love
Dude, that's cheap
True it's like 3 bucks a pop ..
@9, I see what you did there :)

should be grateful.
$1 a pop.