Forgive them all

By fuckall - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I worked out that if I paid the minimum monthly amount on my student loans, I'd be paying them until I'm 65. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 299
You deserved it 5 986

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If you pay the minimum on any debt, you'll be paying many times over the original loan amount in accrued interest. That's why you don't play the game and you pay more than the minimum every month.

I think (hope) #2 meant don't pay the minimum amount, but more than the minimum amount.


Sacurason 0

Thank god my dad has well over enough money to pay me and my 3 brothers to go to collage yes he can pay for all 3 of our collages ( each probably gonna. be around 50k each year ) and he won't be in debt and neither will I im very thankful that I have parents that can give me a debt free collage I can't imagine what it would be like to pay off all that hope you find out a way :)

wish you could actually spell college correctly.... **** you. ill be paying back loans til im 65 too, OP :(

At least, they know how to spell college, even if they'll pay for a longer time.

you don't have to go to an ivy league school unless your going to be a dr or lawyer.

That's not hugely unusual - just looking at my credit card bill today, if I pay the minimum at the current rate then it will be 25 years before I pay it off! Fortunately I don't have to pay the minimum, so I won't. Always pay off loans as quickly as you can, in the order of the highest interest first. Otherwise, you will be significantly worse of in the medium/long term.

It'll take me 15 years if I pay $400 a month... The problem with getting a degree based job is they want u to have experience to hire u but you can't get experience without getting hired smh

vikingchick 22

My aunt is still paying after 20 years but that's because she likes claiming it on her taxes.