Forgive them all

By fuckall - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I worked out that if I paid the minimum monthly amount on my student loans, I'd be paying them until I'm 65. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 299
You deserved it 5 986

Top comments

If you pay the minimum on any debt, you'll be paying many times over the original loan amount in accrued interest. That's why you don't play the game and you pay more than the minimum every month.

I think (hope) #2 meant don't pay the minimum amount, but more than the minimum amount.


needsagf14 12

then pay the maximum monthy stupid

Liar... I work servicing for the DOE. Unless you're 35 with a DLP consolidation loan (max 30 year repayment) I call BS! Bankrupcy will NOT drop your loans, just wreck your credit. Call your servicer and let them know you're lame and don't know what you're doing.

Liar... I work servicing for the DOE. Unless you're 35 with a DLP consolidation loan (max 30 year repayment) I call BS! Bankrupcy will NOT drop your loans, just wreck your credit. Call your servicer and let them know you're lame and don't know what you're doing.

oh no - you're just like a British student, then.

willsohn 0

and that's why I said no to college

Nextto 0

Then do not pay the minimum amount... Maybe you should get your money back.

Maybe you should get a refund for everything you own, then use it to get a brain transplant. You obviously need one.

Hey, good news! That's not true any more. With new administration from Obama, as long as you make the minimum monthly payments on time for 10 years, the rest is canceled. I heard about it cause I've got a bunch of student loans myself. Good luck!