Forgive them all

By fuckall - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I worked out that if I paid the minimum monthly amount on my student loans, I'd be paying them until I'm 65. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 299
You deserved it 5 986

Top comments

If you pay the minimum on any debt, you'll be paying many times over the original loan amount in accrued interest. That's why you don't play the game and you pay more than the minimum every month.

I think (hope) #2 meant don't pay the minimum amount, but more than the minimum amount.


sorry :( that's what I have to look forward to as well

stevenJB 25

NEVER pay the minimum!!! You WILL be paying more money an it'll take longer! HEAR MY WORDS ALL OF YOU!!! The longer it takes the more interest you'll have to pay.

stevenJB 25

NEVER pay the minimum!!! You WILL be paying more money an it'll take longer! HEAR MY WORDS ALL OF YOU!!! The longer it takes the more interest you'll have to pay.

wow arent u the smart one. truth is many ppl are in the same position as OP so unless u start facebook or get a great payin job u stuck with that or do wut this idiot suggested and move to mexico

I think (hope) #2 meant don't pay the minimum amount, but more than the minimum amount.

calm down yeesh. ppl go to college so they can get a job that pays well. it's not like he's gonna have the same income all his life

redrookie 0

tht sux haha friend bill gates on fb and hope he has some sympathy

simlpyh 0

pay more then minimum then lol:)

yes yes ... its that easy! You could make that happened with money you don't have!

simlpyh 0

he"ll have a job eventually haha,he went to college.

Some student loans, like those by FAFSA, don't require payment if you die. So I say just pay the minimum, if it's a loan like I described, you might die or old age or disease before it's all paid.

Yeah, and while the OP is carting around that big load of debt all his life as you recommend, he'll also not get to enjoy some of the finer pleasures in life along the way because of his debt to income ratio will negatively impact his ability to pursue those pleasures. Good suggestion.

singer4life666 0

A lot of people have to go through that sadly. I had a teacher in his fifties still paying off his student loans.

Beebow_fml 5

Ya... he's a teacher. He could've gotten a decent paying job instead.

what, you don't have a high paying job as a fashion lawyer in new York with a corner office already? damn, I thought you went to college. so much for your gap years, loser.

TheReverendFan 0

At least you wont be dead with ur kids left to pay

ydi for getting a degree in a non-high paying job!