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Freaked out

By Cliffhanger - 10/05/2023 06:00 - United States

Today, I went to an amusement park with my family and we all decided to ride the tallest rollercoaster. As soon as the ride got going, I realized I'd made a huge mistake and was too terrified to open my eyes. I spent the entire ride screaming, with my hands over my eyes, and afterwards my cousin called me a wuss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 298
You deserved it 726

Same thing different taste

Sensory deprivation

By Trisha - 07/10/2023 10:00 - United States

Today, I went to a theme park with my friends. I was excited to ride the rollercoasters, but just as we were about to get on the biggest one, I realized I'd had left my glasses in the car. I can't see shit without them, but I decided to go on the ride anyway. I spent the entire time screaming in terror while my friends laughed, while I couldn't see a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 178
You deserved it 686

Top comments

To me riding a roller coaster with my eyes closed would be terrifying. I want to see what is coming… Scary rides, movies, books are popular because when you survive and realize you weren’t really in trouble you feel a great sense of relief. It’s that relief and triumph over fear that makes them popular… But I get it, some people like those kind of experiences, and some people don’t. Personally I love roller coasters and rides that make you feel you are falling. But neither of my children liked them nearly as much as I did. On the other hand I hate rides that spin me around - I wind up feeling nauseous… If you tried something and gave it an honest try and it’s not for you, there is no reason to do it again unless it’s really necessary - And amusement park rides are not a necessity. Don’t let others manipulate you into doing things that you know you hate. If that works once they will keep doing it until one day you’re playing Russian Roulette with real bullets. Don’t be afraid to try new things - that’s how we learn what we like and what we don’t. But learn from the experience.

If you close your eyes, roller coasters are nothing. It's only if you see that you are plummeting to your death that your brain gets the terror signal. Some people find this fun.


If you close your eyes, roller coasters are nothing. It's only if you see that you are plummeting to your death that your brain gets the terror signal. Some people find this fun.

To me riding a roller coaster with my eyes closed would be terrifying. I want to see what is coming… Scary rides, movies, books are popular because when you survive and realize you weren’t really in trouble you feel a great sense of relief. It’s that relief and triumph over fear that makes them popular… But I get it, some people like those kind of experiences, and some people don’t. Personally I love roller coasters and rides that make you feel you are falling. But neither of my children liked them nearly as much as I did. On the other hand I hate rides that spin me around - I wind up feeling nauseous… If you tried something and gave it an honest try and it’s not for you, there is no reason to do it again unless it’s really necessary - And amusement park rides are not a necessity. Don’t let others manipulate you into doing things that you know you hate. If that works once they will keep doing it until one day you’re playing Russian Roulette with real bullets. Don’t be afraid to try new things - that’s how we learn what we like and what we don’t. But learn from the experience.

The only time I ever went on a roller coaster, I was 12 and went with my older cousin. As we crested the first hill, I too realized I had made a terrible mistake. But because I resolved right then to never ride another coaster, I kept my eyes open the whole ride so I would fully experience this one.