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By Anonymous - 10/05/2023 10:00 - United Kingdom - Yate

Today, I went to a friend's wedding, only to realize I'd forgotten my dress shoes. I ended up wearing my pair of Converse Chuck Taylor's with my suit and stood out like a sore thumb in all the wedding photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 301
You deserved it 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just say you were doing a David Tennant Doctor Who cosplay, depending on your relationship with your friends they'll go along with it.

Don't be so full of yourself. In wedding photos, the only one who matters is the bride. The groom is just a prop and everyone else is wallpaper. Unless your sneaks were green or purple -- the only colors that are cool for those shoes.


Don't be so full of yourself. In wedding photos, the only one who matters is the bride. The groom is just a prop and everyone else is wallpaper. Unless your sneaks were green or purple -- the only colors that are cool for those shoes.

Just say you were doing a David Tennant Doctor Who cosplay, depending on your relationship with your friends they'll go along with it.

no worries dude! I would have worn Chucks as well with my dress. I usually do because their comfy and I'm not about to break an ankle for an event. if anyone is worried about how your shoes look they didn't have that much fun to recollect on that person's special day. in my opinion Chuck Taylor's are for all occasions 🤣