
By Anonymous - 11/07/2024 03:00 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my boyfriend trapped me in a corner of our apartment and kept making sounds that he knows cause me to become violently angry (I have misophonia). He wouldn't stop, even though I was practically begging him to, and now he's mad that I freaked out and broke his nose to get away from him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 814
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, he's abusive and has no respect for you. Dump his ass and leave (or kick him out).

Today it’s awful noise. Next week it’s punching holes in the wall. Next month it’s hitting you. Next year it’s tying you to the bed and setting the place on fire. Do with that what you will, but make sure it doesn’t come to that. He belongs in prison.


So, he's abusive and has no respect for you. Dump his ass and leave (or kick him out).

Today it’s awful noise. Next week it’s punching holes in the wall. Next month it’s hitting you. Next year it’s tying you to the bed and setting the place on fire. Do with that what you will, but make sure it doesn’t come to that. He belongs in prison.

Get a lawyer and evict him. Then get a restraining order.

He clearly doesn't like you, leave before he manipulates you into staying

Be careful, he clearly doesn’t have your best interests at heart; he could use this against you and have you charged with domestic violence/abuse. He doesn’t respect you, nor does he like you. Get out before he does something else wicked!

MistressAfrodite 5

leave this dick. good gosh.