Freedom of speech

By Powerless111 - 15/10/2019 20:00

Today, I got yelled at for 30 minutes while on a date for using the word "bitch." I used it to describe my friend's wife, who will also yell at you for 30 minutes for using a word she doesn't like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 033
You deserved it 1 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gc212 2

I probably wouldn’t yell at you, but it would be a red flag and you definitely wouldn’t get another date from me if you describe women like that

How exactly did you even end up on the topic of your friends wife to begin with? Also, YDI, not the kinda shit that's appropriate to bring up while on a date anyway.


courtalex 5

Would I yell at you? No. But would I stick up for the women? Yes. Women take care of women. Even the ones they have never met.

courtalex 5

Plus it’s all about how you say it. If you say I’m being bitchy I could care less. Or talking passed tense like “yeah that one day you were being a bitch” then who cares. I would rather you call me a bitch then call another women a bitch. Especially if she isn’t there to defend herself.