
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was cold and alone at work, so I decided to try and warm myself up on the panini toaster. As I was holding the top side open and my other hand over the hot metal, I accidentally closed the door on my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 525
You deserved it 41 847

Same thing different taste


BigEV 0
Blacksabbath211 9

try a sweatshirt or hot drink in the when you regain feeling in your hand...eventually.......ydi

robc32ca 4

"accidentally"? really? please don't reproduce...

This would be an award winner only if OP had panini'ed his panini, if you catch my drift.

BigEV 0

Thus rendering him unable to reproduce. Such a story would qualify for an award.

Doc never fails to make me chuckle! I salute your witty greatness!

Draminicaus 0

If she Panini'ed.....her nipple? lol

dicklover69 0

You so dumb. My grandma would have known better and she have no hands

am pretty sure u didnt feel cold after that :P

Anti09 1

Everybody participating in that combo meme was retarded. Props @C-C-Combo breaker guy. Oh, and YDI OP. You're retarded as well, for burning yourself on what is probably the simplest piece of kitchenware ever invented.

sallen0046 4

Invest in a jacket, idiot. It's a toaster oven, not a heater. It's November, dress appropriately and you won't have an issue.

OP, I'd say your mission was accomplished now, wasn't it? I bet your hand had never been warmer.

and if your really smart, go to the bathroom n stick your hands under the heaters cuz we all know our world is trying to be green by having them in there.