
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was cold and alone at work, so I decided to try and warm myself up on the panini toaster. As I was holding the top side open and my other hand over the hot metal, I accidentally closed the door on my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 525
You deserved it 41 847

Same thing different taste


YDI for not having enough practice in the kitchen.

salsalover_12 5

YDI see there's this thing you may have locally it's called a STORE maybe you should try BUYING A SPACE HEATER

I've never worked somewhere that allowed employees to bring in heaters.

maybe he worked at a place that made things with a panini maker?

nevermind i read that you replied to sorry.

that's probably because you worked at places like mcdonalds. most offices have a policy about them ( that they can't be over a certain wattage or whatever )

Unnecessary bit of rudeness there. I've never worked at McDonald's. I've worked in hospitals, banks, legal offices, and large corporations. None of those places allowed employees to bring in personal appliances, especially heaters. Anything left on under a desk was deemed a fire hazard. They also didn't want to deal with electricity vampires. Small desktop fans were the only exception to the rule. I did work at a construction company briefly where the owner said it was allowed but he was a bit sweet on me and I never brought one in.

Way to go, genius. YDI for making the next sandwich with a flesh garnish

I saw that on Iron Chef once. Bobby Flay blew away the competition with his flesh stroganoff. Mmm, tasty.

lovinit5683 0

Why didn't you go to the store and buy a heater instead of using a toaster and burning yourself with it..

...ur suggesting she should go to a store and use her money to heat her workplace?

lovinit5683 0

No. She can use it at work and bring it home after work. I was stating she should buy something to keep her warm.

Next time you're cold, try sticking your head in the oven.

Doc, I think OP has already done so and suffered extensive brain damage in the process. Why else would he stick his hand in an industrial oven?

OP said panini maker.. not industrial oven, What do you put in a panini that would need that ? A whole chicken??

OP said it was for work, meaning that it wasn't just your average panini maker. I know some sandwich restaurants like Subway and Quiznos have huge ovens in their kitchens. Work = Industry, so an oven for work = an industrial oven.

foxgirl715 0

o wow ydi tho for not being more careful!