**** off

By Arcam89 - 22/02/2016 22:37 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, I'm a car salesman. I got told to cold call a list of previous customers, but I recognised the names as I phoned them all last week; I told the manager this. He slammed his fist on my desk and told me to stop lying and do as I was told. I got told to "fuck off" 27 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 666
You deserved it 1 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

27 times? Looks like you'd better grab some lotion and get to work. The man was clear...

I for sure would've recorded it and reported them to higher up.


couldn't you have just pretended to call again?

sohigh10 34

Your manager ****** up.. If there is a higher up, I think they'd like to know that this guy is basically telling you to harass customers and doing damage to the company's reputation

Am I the only one surprised that 27 people actually answered? I don't usually answer if I don't know the number or if I know it's something like a car dealership.

True, but it kind of sounds like these were recent customers. I answered every call that came in from the dealership after my purchase. You never know.

Maybe it was a list of 50 people. OP didn't say.

If you're logging all of these calls into your client relationship managament database, you shouldn't have these problems. Sounds like you aren't, so I'm saying you deserve it. If you don't know how to use your CRM, you need to find out pronto. Though your business development center manager should at least be able to vouch for you making calls, even if your BDC log doesn't have phone numbers (ours don't). If your dealership doesn't use a CRM or have a BDC, I can't help you there, though maybe they should join the rest of us in the 21st century. I can't imagine trying sales without it.

What makes you think that they're even using a CRMDb in the first place? Hell, what makes you think that his boss isn't just an incompetent dunderhead?

You're right, he could be an incompetent dunderhead. As someone who used to be in car sales I'm thinking of what could be done to avoid the situation entirely. I assume the dealership is using a CRM because I haven't yet come across a dealership that doesn't. There are probably some out there, sure. But if they aren't using one they need to have some sort of way to log calls. Phone records maybe, handwritten logs with the phone numbers, something. If it's not provided, OP needs to get creative. The whole point is you aren't going to be successful in sales if you don't have some sort of customer database.

crazyfrogg_fml 8

I might be stupid but what is a cold call list?

fangirlofthings 21

A cold call list is a computer generated list of names and phone numbers that the OP was intended to call and attempt to convince to come buy a new car. In this case generated from a database of prior customers to the car dealership in question.

Buy or die. if your not calling someone else is. Check your crm, you should have some notes.

silverbane27 13

Not going to lie if a car dealership did this to me they would never have my business again

really poor management. I'd find another job.

Some employers just suck the big one. They can be totally stupid and ignorant.

i work at a dealership and I've had to do the same thing. i hardly got ahold of people or they would answer and hang up when i said "hi this is ....... from ......." or i would hear the occasional "tell ....... im not here" when i could clearly hear them in the background :)