Full blast

By DyingOfShame - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I got a text from my boyfriend whilst on the train home from spending the weekend with him at his grandparents' house. It said, "Gran says to tell you that the bin beside the toilet is actually for storing spare shampoos and toothbrushes, so could you not put your tampons in it next time?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 526
You deserved it 8 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xFalzz 0

Why would anyone put toothbrushes next to their toilet? Next to or under the sink is ideal.


fogrunner 13

People, you flush NOTHING but shit, piss and paper. I imagine the workers at the sewage plant have to hop in and dig your tampons out of their filters otherwise. And **** tampons anyway. Google menstrual cups. :D

fogrunner 13

And to everyone saying there absolutely has to be a trash can in a bathroom - not really. If necessary, pads and such can be wrapped in paper and smuggled under your shirt or something to the kitchen trash.

Because you really want to smuggle a bloody tampon under your shirt to the kitchen garbage where everyone can see you dropping it in, and will probably be able to still see it when the next thing is thrown in? No thanks. A garbage can next to the toilet is enough, and not that hard to do. Although, I do think OP could've bothered to check the contents of the can before throwing the first tampon in.

That's Gran's fault. Garbage pails go beside the toilet. Not shampoo bins.

captainburke 5
sugarbear0727 19

Well that's embarrassing. I don't put my tampons or pads in something unless there's a trashbag, and I know it's a trashcan.

oKap1 15

You think you'd realise that the basket had lots of unused toothbrushes and shampoo bottles and no trash in .... YDI

_awwhellnaw_ 45

You gotta check that sort of thing when you go to someone's house, especially if no-one there has their period. I went to my friends house and there wasn't a bin in her bathroom because she's trans and everyone else is male, save her mum (who I think has a bathroom closer to her bedroom). Also, my grandparents didn't accommodate so I had to sneak a way around that.

That is a weird place to store extra toothbrushes.