Full blast

By DyingOfShame - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I got a text from my boyfriend whilst on the train home from spending the weekend with him at his grandparents' house. It said, "Gran says to tell you that the bin beside the toilet is actually for storing spare shampoos and toothbrushes, so could you not put your tampons in it next time?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 526
You deserved it 8 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xFalzz 0

Why would anyone put toothbrushes next to their toilet? Next to or under the sink is ideal.


hawty12345 0

ya kno I flush my tampons all the time and the toilet has never clogged because of it. and I dnt c y all u r complaining like bitches just because she puts em in a garbage can in the bathroom. if your sick enough to go searching through the bathroom trash can then you deserve to see it. god grow up! it's just blood and every woman/mature girl gets it

58- You're an inconsiderate douche. Stop flushing them and use a bin for christ sakes.

Read the original post again. It cleary said that the bin next to the toilet (aka trash can in most houses) is used for extra shampoo and tooth brushes.

runawaybishop/#55 yeah, because Glasgow is just bear infested. here in the UK we've got bears all over the place un-impressedface.jpeg

#60 - anchorman, you should watch it sometime ;)

fallsupstairs 6

thank you #67 I'm glad someone else understood the joke.

who said they were used? I was thinking they were clean in a bin (not a trashcan). Hopefully the OP would understand basic sanitary disposal of such things =


who stores extra shampoos or tooth brushes ?! It's not exactly YDI, because the granny or boyfriend didn't tell her what's that suppose to be.

ydi for not flushing your tampons down the toilet like everyone else!

#64 You're not supposed to flush tampons down the toilet. I doubt that "everyone else" flushes their tampons...

Just wait until you clog up your toilet and someone has to pull out nasty smelling tampons out of the pipes. Should be interesting. :)

sallen0046 4

I currently have two different brands of tampons, both of which say directly on the box that they've been designed to be flushed. I'd much rather someone in my home flush their tampon than pulled out a disgusting drippy wad and get blood all over the seat and drops on the floor as I've often seen in public rest rooms.

You know, there's no law against companies lying about their products in the US, as far as I know. Which means: TAMPONS ARE NOT TO BE FLUSHED. Never. EVER.

Ashley92093 2

he probably meant the tampon applicator.....you can't flush those esp. if you have the plastic applicators. And who uses a bin next to the toilet as storage where a trashcan should be? fyl

um.. why didn't you empty the bin before you left? you can't expect grandma to be picking up after you :/

now I realise why my bathroom sometimes has a strange whiff of vinegar

lmao. I guess granny has been dried up so long she forgot about that need, lol.