Full blast

By DyingOfShame - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I got a text from my boyfriend whilst on the train home from spending the weekend with him at his grandparents' house. It said, "Gran says to tell you that the bin beside the toilet is actually for storing spare shampoos and toothbrushes, so could you not put your tampons in it next time?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 526
You deserved it 8 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xFalzz 0

Why would anyone put toothbrushes next to their toilet? Next to or under the sink is ideal.


amazinggbaby 2

Buy her some new spare toothbrushes and shampoos to replace the ones you ruined. Fml solved.

Who the f puts a bin BY THE TOILET for extra shampoos?! That sounds retarded, that's why we have shelves and cabinets.

This is why everyone, whether or not you menstrate, should have a lidded garbage can in the bathroom next to the toilet. Otherwise, you can't hold the person on their period responsible.

Kind of a weird place to keep spare toothbrushes and shampoo :/ I'd assume a bin next to the toilet was for sanitary items, too.

you_guys_are_dum 0

for all we know, the bin could have been beside the toilet, but also beside the shower or something, considering the shampoo in it. that's not that odd, really. also, op, ydi. you should have wrapped it in tissue and in a plastic bag and put it in the outside garbage. don't make your bf's grandparents responsible for you bloody tampons.

hawty12345 0

82; I'm the douche? wow u think it rlly matters if I put it in a bin I got news: I dnt give a shit xP

Judging by your World War II antics, I am not surprised at your Nazi attitude towards the sanctity of human life.

OopsieDaisies 0

They have flushable tampons? :O

iloveadam32 0

I think op meant her unused tampons.

sallen0046 4

YDI for not being able to tell the difference between a storage bin and a trash can. Pay attention to what you're doing.