
By cunting cuntface of a boss - 25/02/2014 20:42 - Australia

Today, I had to proofread a document my boss had written. When I pointed out that he spelled "college" as "collage" multiple times, he angrily accused me of trying to make him look stupid. This is the guy who constantly boasts about his "genius" IQ level to the whole office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 281
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

report the bitch to hr for being a dumbass

peve3 12

People never want to believe that they are wrong. The only way they'd admit it is if a superior found the mistake. Then they'd blame it on you for not fixing it.


I feel that context is a key factor here. Was the word "collage" used in the correct context, or was "college" the correct word?

sweetestbitcheva 14

Maybe he just doesn't know how to spell "college" right?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

"..the liar detector determined that was a lie."

whosladygaga 7

That's a very common mistake regardless of iq. Just because someone has a high iq doesn't mean they can spell very well. I have an iq just under "genius level" and I can't spell worth a damn. I think people misunderstand what intelligence is. Unlike the guy this fml is directed at if the information is accurate that is I don't walk around and tell everyone what my iq is. I made an acceptation this time to tell all the readers to get the facts and ignore bias opinions. Iv found the more you flaunt your intelligence to people that haven't been blessed with it They tend to get to name a few defensive, angry, vindictive, hostile, uneasy toward you and try make themselves seem better then you by pointing out mistake even though everyone makes them and that's possible what's going on here. I'm not saying people with higher intelligence are better then others less intelligent, but just give them a chance and get a little clarity. Thanks for reading my take on the whole situation and have a great day.

grammar errors really have nothing to do with iq, just saying

There was a girl like this in my course, constantly on about how amazing smart she was and that she was a genius and smarter than most people on this world... She dropped out because she was failing.

Dear lord, some people... Not meaning to brag, but my dad created internet servers for a whole country, so he would just facepalm at this dude.

Usually its the ones who boast and brag...that really have problems facing their own reality

Just because he did something wrong doesnt mean hes an idiot. I mean, Einstein couldn't tie his own shoes yet what is he famous for?