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Spelling Bee

By anda1000douchesscourthispostformistakes - 16/09/2015 13:42 - United States - Meriden

Today, I made it onto my boss's shit-list, after pointing out that he'd misspelled "customer" as "costumer" 6 times in his report, and "college education" as "collage education" twice. It'd be a dick move on his part even if making corrections like this weren't part of my damn job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 046
You deserved it 1 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boss needs to go back to "collage" and get himself a "collage education" so he can learn to spell.

He's probably afraid you'll be *his* boss soon, and one can only hope there's something to it. How do these guys even get promoted?


Sounds like your boss needs to go back to school

Your boss needs to go back to "collage" and get himself a "collage education" so he can learn to spell.

I think "collage" is a little too high of a level for OP's boss. He should learn to spell college before trying to attend it.

You spelled "collage" wrong. It's "colage" with one "l". How can people be so careless?

#17 No, you spelled it wrong. It's "coage" with no ''l. I know this because I graduated from Harvard Coage. The best coage in the country.

lol I think he needs to go further back.

Bosses will always be assholes. Sorry yours is also an idiot OP

He's probably afraid you'll be *his* boss soon, and one can only hope there's something to it. How do these guys even get promoted?

you need a lesson in tact I bet when a woman asks if she looks fat you tell the truth

What part of that's their job did you not understand? I presume that OP is either an editor or secretary, and thus need to make those corrections and bring them to the attention of their boss. Tact has nothing to do with it, unless OP was doing so in a way to make fun of their boss, which is unlikely.

Are you sure he even made it through elementary school? He sounds like such a child

JocelynKaulitz 28

I looked at this so hard that both spellings ended up looking so weird to me…

It's part of your job to make the correction but is it also part of your job to point it out? Did you do it in front of people? If not then I say next time let him continue to look like an idiot and leave it in.

How do you propose they make the correction without pointing out to the boss that corrections have to be made?

By just making the correction, and not saying anything. Just correct the damn thing. Especially if it's OPs job to do so. It's probably a digital copy, so just edit and correct it. No need to point out what needed correcting. "Few typos, but all good now". That's all that needed to be said.

Aw man, I wanna be a an official, paid grammar nazi!

Indeed. One of the jobs I legit would like having. But one awesome year of college didn't quite negate three years of slacking off. That and an internship that wasn't geared towards what I wanted resulted in me being a sad panda after graduation. Was not prepared for college. Doing alright now though, thankfully.

Sorry that your boss is so dumb, must make your job a lot worse.