
By cunting cuntface of a boss - 25/02/2014 20:42 - Australia

Today, I had to proofread a document my boss had written. When I pointed out that he spelled "college" as "collage" multiple times, he angrily accused me of trying to make him look stupid. This is the guy who constantly boasts about his "genius" IQ level to the whole office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 281
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

report the bitch to hr for being a dumbass

peve3 12

People never want to believe that they are wrong. The only way they'd admit it is if a superior found the mistake. Then they'd blame it on you for not fixing it.


Totally agree with OP's name - your boss IS a cunty cuntface lol

If he were a genius he wouldn't be so upset about being wrong. If you can't admit when you're wrong then you'll be wrong your whole life.

xtm059 11

I bet he found out his I.Q. was so ridiculously high from an online quiz where he assembled shapes for a couple of minutes.

Your IQ score does not have any relation to how smart a person is. An IQ score shows a persons ability to learn.

People like him aren't going to go very far in the end, so keep your chin up OP, he's tied the noose himself.