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Get a move on!

By Anonymous - 09/06/2011 02:00 - United States

Today, my mother set off the alarms at Walmart by shoplifting. She shouted at me to run, which I didn't. I had to get a ride home from the security guard, since my mother left without me because I didn't get to her car fast enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 637
You deserved it 5 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abceasyas123abc 12

All for one and one for all..?!

is it bad that i laughed REALLY hard at this?


abceasyas123abc 12

All for one and one for all..?!

ImmortalKratos 0

and you led the security guard to yours and your moms house!?!?!? DISOWNED

Trust noone!! Three can keep a secret if two are dead!

SouljaBabii 0
enonymous 8

Cardio, Double Tap, Seatbelts, Don't use a public toilet, Don't be a hero, Enjoy the small things in life. All of tees apply to shopping at Walmart

BabbiiLovvee 0

44 u got that from pretty little liars ;) lol

99.. No I have a shirt that says that on the back.

mariet_fml 23

@99: Try Benjamin Franklin, you twit.

PurpleRae420 0

Your mother is an idiot walmart COME ON it's actually easy to steal from Walmart but why would you most people have the money and if you don't wanna spend your money at a store THEN DONT GO!

notsocrazee 0

walmart has a security guard?

Yes, the greeter is secretly an undercover security guard.

poplite02 5

@148 Lol yea because the little old lady that greets you when you come in can really run after you and tackle you to the ground. She might even be packin'.

OceanBreathesSal 5

141 it's more of a rent-a-cop

bezach 0

141 at my local Wally, there's an old lady greeter but five bouncers hang around the front with tazers. and their pretty stacked.

"it's every man for himself !!!" Philip J.

bigfoot89 4

u mean 3 can keep a secret if 1 is dead?!!

I hope she did lead the police straight to her moms house!!!! That's what her mom deserves! It's bad enough her mom is a thief, but to involve her kid like that? Jailtime!!

nah, it's two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

GuessWhatKids 13

Rule 1 of Living In The Ghetto: When you hit a store, don't bring your kids.

we goin to wallie wallie wallie wallie wallie wallie world!

nlr 9

y'all asking about walmart having cops reminded me that store or mall cops are just cops that couldn't make it into the real world!( and 99 pretty little liars' saying is different from that just saying...

10 can keep a secret if noone tells anyone :)

PerditaDessa 38

156, if you're questioning the old ladies abilities to tackle someone you've missed out on some awesome FML's.

I thought this stuff only happened in movies hahah

ohrlynao 0
nlr 9

maybe they didn't run because op wads shocked that their mom actually stole and they were taught nit to steal....

krazyvato 0

your moms down but you aren't. sad

Boygenius50 8

God bless Amurika! hope this goes on Peopleofwalmart

A7X_LoVeee 10

Yeah, because shoplifting only occurs in America. derp.

ah if only I could like this enough to make it positive coz it's so true :p

marix54888 0

#3 what are you going to do about it?

somethinorother 0

well, wal mart is pretty much only in America. so I guess it is only in America. :D

143 is right and y does everyone say only in America and shit? like none of the countries around the world have shoplifting or obese people (although we have more haha) but I bet if u looked around ur house (or ur parents house cuz that's where most of u trolls live) u would find that most stuff is invented by Americans so b grateful and stop hatin

143 is right and y does everyone say only in America and shit? like none of the countries around the world have shoplifting or obese people (although we have more haha) but I bet if u looked around ur house (or ur parents house cuz that's where most of u trolls live) u would find that most stuff is invented by Americans so b grateful and stop hatin

oops_im_fucked 8

At least we don't serve royalty lol it's the 21st century idiots...

PhishloverA 14

Because #216, it's just an expression people use. People like you really need to stop taking it so seriously and getting all bent out of shape over it..

216- most things are invented in china or Japan or other Asian countries. Dumbass!

Not true!! Im currently in Mexico and ive seen a couple of walmarts here so...

is it bad that i laughed REALLY hard at this?

DanielNoTP 0

I laughed really hard too! can picture everything in my head lol so jokes

Nope, I think of this FML as one of the best to date. Perfectly normal:)

RUN! No, I'm going to stand and wait around.. ladadada. Yeah.. YTDI

Bubblerider 3

Yeah, it just makes it seem like youare part of it too.

Bulbasaur owns. OP, your mom sucks for not letting you know about her little coup in advance. You could probably have had the car going or something.

or ya know, not shoplift from walmart. idk I'm guessing all these people condoning stealing have never been robbed before.

chika_yeaah23 0

Shoplifting at Walmart?! Seriously, if you're going to shoplift, at least do it somewhere worthwhile.

Actually, Wal-Mart can have some stuff worth nicking.

ImmortalKratos 0

all the good stuff is in glass cases tho :/.

FirstBornUnicorn 0

Psh..... not the ones at Walmart. Come on now.

why shoplift Walmart u are basically stealling with those low prices any way :p.

why shoplift Walmart u are basically stealling with those low prices any way :p.

a_nutritionist 10

ah from my old childhood books, mother of the year takes her daughter shopping. Next in the series, mother of the year gets charged for tax fraud

Aapplestores are becoming famous becouse of that.

WoAhAnNa123 0

yeah... so op, what exactly DID your mom take?

eminemchick 19

i shoplift from walmart all the time..:) i took a 6" farbergard boning knife just yesterday from there.

183 you're pathetic. anyone who brags about stealing need to be shot

just remember sooner or later you will get caught and they most certainly prosecute. if the security has seen you do it and hasn't stopped you yet they may even be working on making a nice huge case against you when they do decide to stop you. so not only will they throw your ass in jail and most likely fine you. you will also have a "no trespass" order put against you for a year and I'd they see you step foot back in there during that order they will gladly have the cops escort your thieving ass out. try getting off your ass and working hard for your money like the workers at your local Walmart do each day while lazy assholes like you who don't know how to earn for themselves come in and take away from the workers and their company. I really hate low life **** suckers like you! get a damn job you ******* hemriod on the asshole is society!

bthomas0319 2
GeneralMotors 23
EffinToofer 3

This proves that parents are not to blame for the bad (or good) behavior of their children.