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Get off your ass

By nepotwatism @ its finest - 23/09/2015 15:05 - Sweden - Halmstad

Today, my boss told me I have to start work 4 hours early tomorrow, because that my coworker, who happens to be his son, will not be coming in because he's "too tired". I work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week without complaining. His son works two 4-hour shifts a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 792
You deserved it 1 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can, put your foot down. Your mental health is just as important as his lazy son's.

Gee, that sucks. Maybe you should try and confront your boss about it. He needs to try and teach his son that work is harder than he thinks.


Obviously he's more valuable to the company than you

Obviously if OP's coworker only works 2 4 hour shifts a week, compared to OP's 10 hours a day and 6 days a week, OP is obviously more valuable.

I feel like a comment like this one would have to be said in a sarcastic manner, because its something I myself would say. But alas something is lost in the transition from speech to text.

I think #1 might have been using sarcasm.

ShirtlessWonder 17

Still though, if you can't make it obvious that you're using sarcasm through text, don't use sarcasm. There's lots of ways to do it.

sarcasm is the lowest form of wit anyway.. give me good old fml puns :)

36, it was pretty obvious sarcasm. If you're not bright enough to tell when people are using sarcasm unless they specifically let you know, that's more of a you issue.

I'm gonna assume that his son lives with him as well? Honestly that is a horrible boss and parent.

Gee, that sucks. Maybe you should try and confront your boss about it. He needs to try and teach his son that work is harder than he thinks.

maybe OPs paycheck will show the son of her boss some "hard work pays off"

Unless I'm missing something, at least you get paid more

lexiieeex3 32

I don't think OP cares about getting 4 more hours pay when she is working 60 hour weeks and struggling to do even that...

If you can, put your foot down. Your mental health is just as important as his lazy son's.

I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that his son is lazy. Two 4-hour shifts per week seems like a part time job that someone at school would get, which would explain why he may be tired. It is unfair that OP has to take up the time that the son isn't covering, though. The fault lies in OP's boss for adding to her already hectic schedule when someone with not as many hours could've done it instead.

And his mental health isn't important, why?

#6 never said it isn't important. #6 said that the OP's health is /as/ important. Please read the comment fully before you get so offended by it.

They can't make you work that much, at least not with out overtime pay.

4hrs early probably means he'll be done 4hrs earlier too. And anyways it isn't about the money.

tantanpanda 26

^um, I think you severely misunderstood the text. OP is getting the 4 hours IN ADDITION to the 10 hours already assigned.

Wow, sounds like that boss sure chooses favourites. Bosses seriously need to be more equal about employees in the workplace, no matter their relation to each other.

Unless it's a family-run business, people in positions of power shouldn't be allowed to hire family members at all. IMO.

29, not exactly my dad made me a janitor for a while and try to get a degree in business before he even thought of owning his company I'm his tech at the moment.

Either suck it up or start looking for a new job. Nothing's going to change.

Your boss is a terrible boss and parent.