By NotAMorningPerson - 12/02/2011 04:02 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Sotired - 01/03/2019 17:00 - United States - Medford
By workworkwork - 27/05/2017 20:00
The value of labor
By Chad - 28/09/2024 20:00 - Belgium
TFI Friday
By Anonymous - 24/05/2019 16:00
Management 101
By Anonymous - 14/11/2020 14:08 - United States
By girlfromnowhere - 23/02/2016 11:06 - United Arab Emirates
Get off your ass
By nepotwatism @ its finest - 23/09/2015 15:05 - Sweden - Halmstad
Time to unionize
By Anonymous - 06/06/2023 06:00
Girl Bossing
By annie - 10/01/2023 11:00 - United States
Taking the mickey
By Anonymous - 23/06/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom
Top comments
sry if this upsets you sirin or other mods (I only name sirin cause I've seen her around bunch of posts lately), but this idiot is a retard above me ^^
I go to school for grammar. I'm on an iPod, so typing with one index finger is annoying enough and I don't want to worry about it. I use texting language when I'm pretty sure people can understand me just as well.
That must explain the "him" part then!
what was the last the last thing I said that you were so ticked about, exactly?
I deleted that argument above, 'cause it was irritating the shit out of me. No offence taken.
I don't blame you. I'm happy so long as I don't get banned... haha sry for above misunderstanding. ( I won't blame you if you delete this comment either sirin)
39 - You have a better chance of not getting deleted if you clean up your grammar and spelling. Just saying.
you wern't here 4 the argument but I made it clere y gramer nd speling I dont care about on my ipod. I'm sry if it upsets u.
so... isn't that better? or just tell him you need less hours
Well, she wanted less work hours. She got it.
ever heard of sleeping during the day? what about night guards who work from 11 pm to 8 am? they work a good 45 hours a workweek, but the OP probably isn't a night guard. going from 70 hours to 60 in any job at any time is better
ok, so say it nicely. I guess someone (you) can't handle the fact that some people are capable of doing it in markets like this. if he/she needs the job I'm sure they'll work something out.
I have no idea what IB is but don't talk to me about AP. So am I. and I only have about 2-3 hours of hw a day. there's something wrong with your work ethic if you are only getting 2-3 hours of sleep. I give exceptions to trips and/or sporting events far away (or out of country perhaps
Nice dick measuring there.
Just pointing out what the argument looked like to me. No need for a personal attack.
Ashton you're a moron, kill yourself. This person tdi because it's ops fault for choosing a job like that.
Let's all take some xanax, and snort some cocaine or something. Anything other than annoy everyone further with kiddy catfights, okay guys?
Can you hook me up with some Sirin?
IB is not harder than AP. AP is basically the same work in half the time since it's in 1 year and IB is in 2.
lmfao IB is not harder at all, and getting 2-3 hours of sleep is your own damn fault! the time youre using on FML can just as well be used to take well needed nap or do some more homework Rhys cutting into your sleep schedule. All my friends are in IB and they still get around 8 hours of sleep. so maybe you should do less of why you're doing that cuts into your sleep time and get the cork out of your ass, don't you think?
^ That's what I was thinking. Ashton, you're bitching about only sleeping 2-3 hours a night (which I'm not saying you don't, & makes sense considering you've been acting like something crawled up your ass & died probably due to sleep deprivation), but you spend your free time arguing on FML about how "hard" your life is instead of just going to sleep? Valid argument there....
Ooh! Sirin is buying us all cocaine?! Cool.
15 - You're right. Not everyone is physically capable of changing their sleep schedule like that; I'm certainly not capable of it. I end up getting sick every single time that happens. It's something very similar to jet lag at first, and then I catch a cold or something else bothersome. Mind you, places like McDonalds don't give a shit and will still schedule you for midnights (in my case, every weekend...) despite that. Thank god I'm out of there.
Ashton, you are a literal idiot. High school is not that hard for you to only get 2-3 hours of sleep a night. Trust me, I graduated second in my class of around 170 kids and got a full night's sleep every night, unless I worked. Just wait until you get to college big boy, it's much harder than high school and since you don't sleep much now, you'll be sleeping hardly any. Therefore, you'll be sleep deprived and won't be able to focus on anything and you'll have to drop out and become a fry cook at Mickey D's :/ I have faith in you being able to do this, though. You'll have no responsibility and be able to sleep whenever you're not at work :D
108 - Not exactly true in all cases. I'm currently sleeping more, on average, than I had during high school. I am in college. I do find that the work load for my first semester was pretty low; this semester is ridiculous and I'm constantly doing 2-4 hours of homework every night. No, I am not taking a hard program. It is a general program. TL;DR - Everybody's situation is different.
I have an idea to help with that...cry about it some more
Someone is on their period
He only cut 10 hours?! What kind of douche do you work for?
ten hours n plus looking the timings the douche gave 2 am u frkin kidding me
It's really not the boss's fault or problem. If OP needs to take leave, he should fill out the paperwork and take it. The boss's concern is having someone to take care of the work that needs to be done. If you can't handle the job, OP, get a different one. If you have a valid disability claim for stress leave, file.
If you worked for me and complained, I'll look for another employee. Work harder and stop complaining or you'll stay at the bottom
Nice hair cut, proactive works. Don't work for me
Uhm, 21. Get a life? You realize that you are insulting someone on a website ment to criticize people for the exact same thing you just did? Wow. You're an idiot.
People are douge bags I agree with 21 give him some slack! It's better to be nice and you'll get the job faster-6th grade teacher
If the economy sucks so bad and you're willing to do any job, then become a prostitute. There are always openings to fill. Some people still like to maintain some balance in their lives by not working the majority of it.
where do you work? I need a job.
Wow. That's still 20 hours of overtime a week!!!! Your boss is a douche. FYL.
Unless he is salary pay

He only cut 10 hours?! What kind of douche do you work for?
Hmmm....sure are a lot of nasty darlings commenting on this one.