Get on with it

By Anonymous - 07/04/2014 00:20 - Australia - Spearwood

Today, at the café I work at, I was yelled at by a woman because the drinks and food she ordered were "taking too long". Before I had the chance to get a word in, she stormed out and said she would never come back. I didn't get the chance to inform her that she hadn't ordered yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 974
You deserved it 3 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments


This is why I avoid working in the service industry. I couldn't deal with that much stupidity on a daily basis.


YangTheWolf 2

She must've been hitting the bottle before she even got there.

wildcats909 9

If it's anything like Starbucks... Did she just go straight to the "pick up here" line, having physically but not mentally skipped the "order here" line?!

So did it take that long for a server to go over to take her order?

I'm kind of wondering the same thing. Was this somewhere where you order at the counter or does it have table service? OP, I've been in food service for 12 years so I feel your pain. People are often idiots. Hopefully you get out and do something you love, or do what I do and find a great reataurant with great people you love working at. :)

askullnamedbilly 33

Are you absolutely sure she didn't? Unless you were the only waitress at the café at the time, someone else could've taken her order and forgot about it. Yes, there are a lot of asshole customers in the service industry, but the workers mess up too.

This is very true, I have this happen probably once a week at my job at a cafe.

While this is a valid point, wouldn't OP have realized this was the case if an order of food came up but there was no one to serve it to? If that were the case, it would be a different FML.

askullnamedbilly 33

No, I mean actually forgot about it. As in, didn't remember that an order was placed at all, and didn't notify the people responsible for assembling that order. While this shouldn't happen, it does when there are a lot of customers and the staff is a bit overworked. Unless OP was the only one working at the time, there is no way they could know that none of the other staff took the customer's order and simply messed up. I actually think it's rather strange that they immediately assumed the customer hadn't ordered anything just because OP didn't remember taking the order themselves.

It sounds to me like it was an order at the counter type cafe like Gloria Jeans, so the OP would very likely know who has ordered or not if they are on the till.

Jeez, how long does it take for you guyz to read a persons mind & get her, her food & drinks.. People like you are a big loss to the company.. You lost a customer & its coming straight out of your paycheck .. YDI OP

cosmicriver 17

Right? They need to take a look at the mind reading training program, so that they can better train there employees to read the minds of the customers'. I mean....gosh, that is just common sense.

You should have gone after her with half eaten food from another table

Welcome to the industry! It sucks but it has many rewards. BOH is better though! ;)

Nah, FOH all the way. Every day is payday!! ;)

I'll take weekly pay and not getting bitched at by customers any day

Damn customers "always being right". You don't order, no food for you.

Working in customer service you learn that ... People are stupid.