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By trp007 - 07/04/2014 03:03 - United States - New Castle

Today, after cleaning my house because I'd thrown a party all weekend while my parents were gone, I still got caught because somebody tried to make beer popsicles with Q-Tips in the ice trays in my freezer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 279
You deserved it 42 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

askullnamedbilly 33

Your parents saw Q-tips in an ice tray and immediately jumped to the conclusion that you must've had a wild party over the weekend? Either you have some crazily perceptive parents, or I get a feeling this is not the first time this has happened.


chlorinegreen 27

Could op not of said it was his idea? I think it's kind of crazy to jump straight to the conclusion of party, just from seeing Q-tips in a ice tray. As dumb as it sounds.

I'm thinking by using the word "tried", it's implied that the popsicles didn't turn out too well.

I know what I'm making next party I go to. Oh, wait..... I have no friends

Haha, silly banana, friends are for people (chuckles).

@6: maybe since OP lives with his parents, maybe he isn't old enough to drink, so it wouldn't matter if it was his idea.

No it would not work because at a certain level alcohol will not freeze however if u stick a can of beer In a freezer and leave it it will explode

Redlego, the reason the can of beer explodes in the freezer is because the beer froze, which causes it to expand. Beer does not have a high enough alcohol level to stay liquid in a common household freezer, unlike most hard liquors like vodka.

kewpiesuicide 29

Beer is low enough in alcohol to freeze a bit, but not to the completely hardened state that you would expect from a popsicle. Beer slushys would be a better idea.

Thats both gross and extremely creative

JT1996_fml 12

"Extremely creative", that's an understatement considering they were probably drunk

Obviously this is a ydi, but that aside, you were so close! how nice of your guests to make a present for you. Does beer even freeze?

askullnamedbilly 33

Yes. Beer has a relatively low alcohol content, so its freezing point is slightly below water.

Have you never put a beer bottle in the freezer? It freezes, expands, and pops the top off. It's pretty cool.

Can freeze vodka if the temps low enough or it's in very small amounts (ends up more like a slush puppy but it's "frozen") beer is piss easy to freeze.

acerredrum 23

Or if you are really unlucky the water in the vodka freezes and expands, popping the cork off of the bottle and dumping the unfrozen alcohol all over your freezer.

"I saw a How-To video on YouTube and thought I'd try it out with non-alcoholic beer, mom" Worth a shot

"oh, what kind did you use? ... why can't you think of the name? that's okay just show me the can. ... it's in the trash okay let's look in there. " this is the questions I ask my kids of they tried that.

toxic_walrus 15

Voted YDI after the first line

askullnamedbilly 33

Your parents saw Q-tips in an ice tray and immediately jumped to the conclusion that you must've had a wild party over the weekend? Either you have some crazily perceptive parents, or I get a feeling this is not the first time this has happened.

I don't think it's the q-tips that tipped them off. It was probably the beer.

I'm sure they didn't "immediately" come to the conclusion.

i believe 74 was refering to 9, who did say "immediately".

frizz101 22

Beer doesn't freeze well, and OP didn't know about it, so when ops parents opened the freezer and smelled beer and saw weird smelly "ice" with q-tips sticking out... Well it's not hard to put two an two together.

See Mom and Dad I can explain I saw on an episode of Dr. Oz that if you freeze q- tips in beer over night then thaw them out alcohol content makes the q-tip 87% more effective at cleaning your ears.

Couldn't you just say it was you who made them?

That's not the problem, 12. The FML is that his parents found out about the party.

19 - They found out because of the beer pops, though. He's saying OP could have just said it was their idea, and covered the whole party up.

#19 25's comment is exactly what I meant.

Goblin182 26

I am guessing OP is under age so if PO takes credit for the beer pops then they still have to explain where the beer came from.