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Get out of my dreams, get into my car

By Potatoe - 20/03/2023 10:00

Today, the man of my dreams who I met online and have been exchanging messages with day and night for weeks asked the dreaded question: “Can you send me a full body pic?” It’s been 5 years since I had a guy hit me up. I weigh 300 lbs and look like a potato with legs. I don’t wanna lose him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 440
You deserved it 1 085

Same thing different taste

Congratulations, you played yourself

By What have I done - 19/05/2024 10:00 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, I asked a girl from Bumble for a full body pic. She was obese, so I told her it wasn’t gonna work. She then sent a video of her in real time looking slim and told me that picture was from when she was obese, and she'd sent that picture as a “test of my character” and she’s “better off without someone so judgy.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 322
You deserved it 1 287

Top comments

lalalaila777 24

i think it best to be left for who i really am rather than them stay for who i have to pretend to be. good luck <3

Physical attraction is important but it pairs with mental and emotional attraction. I agree that saying no is a good option here but tell him why. Or prime him by asking him if he likes talking with you and if he thinks you get a long well. Tell him it is too early for you. Talk to him about continuing the relationship because you get a long well. My sister probably weighs 140 and married to guy who weighed probably 450 lbs when they got married. They have 5 kids and a sweet relationship. Lots of people are bigger. The real concern is are you getting enough exercise for your heart and body to be strong regardless of what you weigh? That also plays a part in a relationship. Relationships are built on so much more than looks and love alone. You need all the parts working together. Anyway good luck to you. I hope he sees the value in your relationship.


TomeDr 24

Tell him “no” and then tell him why not. If he’s shallow enough that he doesn’t want to know you after, then he doesn’t deserve you in the first place.

Physical attraction is important but it pairs with mental and emotional attraction. I agree that saying no is a good option here but tell him why. Or prime him by asking him if he likes talking with you and if he thinks you get a long well. Tell him it is too early for you. Talk to him about continuing the relationship because you get a long well. My sister probably weighs 140 and married to guy who weighed probably 450 lbs when they got married. They have 5 kids and a sweet relationship. Lots of people are bigger. The real concern is are you getting enough exercise for your heart and body to be strong regardless of what you weigh? That also plays a part in a relationship. Relationships are built on so much more than looks and love alone. You need all the parts working together. Anyway good luck to you. I hope he sees the value in your relationship.

lalalaila777 24

i think it best to be left for who i really am rather than them stay for who i have to pretend to be. good luck <3

cpguru24 17

While I understand you don't want to ruin your chances, I don't think saying "I don't want to lose him" is having a good viewpoint. You don't really "have" him, to actually lose him. Your setting yourself up for failure, which will probably make you feel even worse, and effect your mind state to loose weight (if that's what you are saying in this FML). Sorry your going through this. This may be hard but you can get through this. Good luck.

Ghost him. This is not going to end well, so a clean break is the least bad ending.

It never ends well when people are dishonest about themselves, trying to get more dating options. Unfortunately it’s done all the time. Men and women both are often guilty of that. A little stretch is almost expected - such as adding up to an inch in height to men or subtracting 10-20 lbs from actual weight or posting a 5 year old picture that looks good… You might as well come clean with your online correspondent - the whole truth. If he’s not going to be interested after that, he wouldn’t be happy to meet you in person. Meeting in person is the ultimate objective. It is better to take your pain early than to get up false hopes and then later be even more disappointed.

Did you not use a representative profile pic? If not, what, exactly, were you expecting?

At that weight I'd really consider something like gastric bypass. You don't have to live your life feeling this way about your body.

VnD 12

If you told him about your weight before then there's no harm in sending your full body picture but if you didn't, then you should come clean and tell him about your size, he'll decide what to do from there, if he's shallow, he'll stop talking to you, if he's OK with your size, he'll continue this relationship with you

Well lots of unknowns here. First If you like the Guy and it feels right thats good and hopefully he feels the same. First off have the two of you exchanged anybother pictures during this time? Have those pictures then perhaps being taken in a more flathering light then what is perhaps the truth? Have the two of you even talked about your appearances and what you like in partners? There are many sorts of attractions and they dont have to be det in stone and a good emotional connection might way in higher then a physical attraction need to at a point, however If physical attraction is important and generaly it is then there is no point in lying about it, the mist important things in a relationship is honesty and communication. And If You desire a relationship with this guy dont start it of with a lie. Now to give some encouragement there are lots of guys that likes bigger woman, my wife is bigger and i know many guys that agree. So that dont have to be something bad. So be honest with the Guy first you can simply say that you like where your connection is going but that you are a little shy since you are bigger or you lay it out that you are a proud bigger girl, and ask If he is fine with that and If he says he dont mind that then you can can send the photo If you feel like it and not having to be worried.