Get out

By Lennyr - 28/08/2016 06:36 - United States - Union City

Today, I gave birth to my firstborn child. Somehow, my mom and mother-in-law made their way to the delivery room, and walked in mid-push. While they were escorted out, I overheard my mother-in-law asking the nurse how her son, my husband, was holding up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 554
You deserved it 1 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This will actually be your second born. Your first child is your husband.

species4872 19

Yeah never mind you but clearly a nerve racking time for the poor guy. Seriously congrats on your first child, wonderful times to come.


As someone who's had to deal with my MIL constantly asking about just her son at times that are stressful for both of us, I feel your pain OP. I also recently gave birth to our first born, and the MIL was so anxious for me to have the baby and actually talked to me while I was pregnant. Now, kiddo's 8 weeks old and the MIL has yet to come see her only grandchild and has barely spoken to me since the birth. It's hard when your spouse's mother rejects you.

She probably knows you're strong enough to handle it!

icekingz 7

A mother caring for her son, yeah sure seems like an FML to me.

qsaysha 1

A mother asking how her son is doing on one of the biggest days of his life- how is that an FML? You didnt want them in the room, that's legitimate, but having an issue with her question is your problem, not hers. Congratulations on the new baby- hopefully you focus your attention on that blessing and not imagined slights.

my husband slept through the delivery of our daughter but it was understandable and easier on me honestly lol. she had complications and he just would've given me a headache while I was trying to listen to the Dr's. he woke as soon as she started crying though. with our son (first born) he wasn't very helpful at all and just gave me a headache cuz when he doesn't know what to do or is nervous he likes to hover and ask question after question. so honestly, delivery is easier on the guy than the girl. she's doing all the physical pain and work of it. his body isn't being contorted by sever muscles cramps and having a 6-10lb person shoved out of a 10cm hole.

It is of course more stressful in the woman. But it's still stressful for the man as well. And most likely everyone would be asking about the mother, but people worry less about the husband. It's her son, I can completely understand why she is more worried about him. Everyone is already worrying about the woman, so the man can use some moral support from his parents, at the very least.

Don't let it bother you. Focus and give your undivided attention to your first bundle of joy! Big congratulations to you!!!

I lost my baby on the 16th, and I think my mother in law was genuinely thrilled. There's a lot of bitches in this world. They don't become immune to bitchiness just by becoming moms / in laws.

species4872 19

So sorry for your loss, Try not to let the dragon make you feel any worse then you already are.

That's terrible on many levels. I'm so sorry for your loss.

blackrose1996 11

My grandmother Asked the same question of my dad and my dad did nearly pass out instead of jumping to her being a bitch she could be wondering how her son is doing

My Mom says that when I was born (their first born) that Dad (who has had a heart problem and can pass out because his heart goes spasms when he gets upset) passed out just as I was about to be born. Then the doctor was paying all his attention to Dad who was passed out and Mom was feeling neglected as I was about to be born.