Get out

By Lennyr - 28/08/2016 06:36 - United States - Union City

Today, I gave birth to my firstborn child. Somehow, my mom and mother-in-law made their way to the delivery room, and walked in mid-push. While they were escorted out, I overheard my mother-in-law asking the nurse how her son, my husband, was holding up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 554
You deserved it 1 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This will actually be your second born. Your first child is your husband.

species4872 19

Yeah never mind you but clearly a nerve racking time for the poor guy. Seriously congrats on your first child, wonderful times to come.


racheal1000 13

DWIL group on you're gonna need it

I agree that it was very poor form for for your mother and mother-in-law to barge into the delivery room uninvited. It was also rude of your mother-in-law to ONLY inquire after your husband (and not include you in her concerns). I offer my congratulations on your firstborn, and know how stressful the delivery can be for both you and your husband... but now that the delivery is done... it is time to just enjoy being a parent and all the wonderful (and tiring, stressful etc.) days to come.

.......I don't understand why this is such a bad thing. They're mothers checking on theur children. They both know how big this is, obviously. Maybe you need to ease up, op.

It doesn't matter if you're concerned or not, you don't barge into a delivery room uninvited. If the mother wanted you there you would be there. Respect her wishes and don't stress or upset her more by disrespecting her decision.

msmedieval 11

There's a sub on Reddit called JustNoMIL. They'd love to read the full story there.

catanita 18

She went through this stuff in her life, so she should know better that this kind of moments are not about the father. The mother and the baby are the main leads, at least for some while. Hope you and the baby are ok. Enjoy this period, as it it the most beautiful. I know i did and i'm looking forward to the second child.

Fist of all, congratulations for your baby. Now I can't see that your MIL did nothing wrong, just think how much you love your new baby and then your MIL is your husband mother and she might love him even more that you love your baby. Can you imagine that, how is it possible so much love? Good news is that you will do exactly the same when time comes.