Get out
By wtf - 14/03/2011 04:07
By wtf - 14/03/2011 04:07
By Kiki - 08/03/2013 21:22 - Poland - Myslenice
By XYZee - 22/08/2012 20:27 - United States - Rockmart
By kenz - 06/12/2010 08:18 - United States
By Homeless without superbowl - 16/02/2023 16:00
By Danielle - 06/06/2011 19:00 - United States
By Mel Hahn - 17/09/2017 16:00
By gkline09 - 06/08/2009 05:28 - United States
By uvagirl - 05/07/2013 01:32 - United States
By Iamlonesometonight - 26/03/2017 18:47
By who knows - 05/02/2020 14:00 - United States - Mankato
To the OP and all the girls who posted stuff about how their boyfriend's are "moody" too: Destroying your stuff is not him being "moody" or him being "the jealous type"-it is him being utterly irrational and borderline abusive. No matter who you are you DO NOT deserve to be treated like that! It isn't love-it's controlling behavior. I have daughters, and if I saw that sort of behavior from their significant others, I would give them the same advice I'm giving you. IT IS NOT OK. Even if they are "the sweetest guy ever" 90% of the time, if they are possessive, destructive, and irrational the other 10% it is not a good sign. Get out-it will only get worse!
There are not enough thumbs-ups in the world for this.
WTF what a jerk
O my goodness my bf is like that too. Hates any guy that ever talks to me. Hope its ok now
Wow, where do you all find these insecure childish douchbag guys with little dicks? And yeah, I think most girls in these situations deserve it. Not because of the message, but because they are together with total idiots. And please dont tell me he was a normal guy till then... Really, I dont feel sorry for any of you. Beeing together with a worthless insecure ****** who cant act like adult is your fault. Nobody forced you to. And insecurity is the big problem with idiots like him: They know they suck, and every other guy could "replace" them. For real men (not idiots who think to be "manly" they have to act like douche) or any other person, its really really hard to respect people who show no selfrespect at all. My girlfriends can have guy friends as they want, go in holidays with them and do what they want. Why the **** not? Seriously, you are together with guys who think its impossible, that you know other guys without ******* them?! Or they think its worse enough that you *just know* other guys? These guys are children with no use in the world... but when I read shit like that I ask myself whats wrong with women like that (because guys like that dont start this just then, they are always jerks)... normal people would go to the police and **** them up badly. I dont have enough hands for all the facepalms I want to do. I think about flying to London, search Patrick Steward, show him this, and facepalm together with picard. quadruple facepalm. PS: My advise: Always leave idiots like that. Long before shit like that happens. Seriously, people dont ******* change. They dont grow balls and dick (I guess thats what they compensate for, idk) learn to act like a normal human being in the 21. century, after beeing douches their whole life. Please just show selfrespect and be together with a person who respects you, too. (sorry for the long text... but guys like that make me really sick, seriously)
arrest his ass!
So it seems like you have the 'Ron and Sami' relationship goin on(Jersey Shore)?
Run away from this man. Quickly.
was this jersey shore or something... wat an asswipe
Make him pay to replace everything, then dump him. Take legal action if needed.
Wow that really sucks. Paranoid boyfriend much?