Get out

By wtf - 14/03/2011 04:07

Today, I came back to my boyfriend's house where I've been staying to find all my things thrown outside, ruined, including my entire CD collection, textbooks and clothes cut up. All because I had left my phone there and had got a text from a guy saying, "Hi, how have you been?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 548
You deserved it 8 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mariet_fml 23

Make him pay to replace everything, then dump him. Take legal action if needed.

Wow that really sucks. Paranoid boyfriend much?


needsagf14 12

get outa that relationship!

ComaStance 0

you sort of deserve it :/ for moving in with a BOYFRIEND. If he was at least a fiancee, I'd understand.

Uh, no? Here in the 21st century, people can live with whoever they want. Besides, whether or not he's put a ring on her finger has no bearing on how trustworthy he is.

Paiggeerr7 0

you're bf is crazy!! probably a good thing you're not still with hin

lindsay6 0

what a freak... stay away from someone like that, if u go back whatever happens next is ur own damn fault

kaylala33 1

YDI for leaving your phone and dating someone that obsessive...dump his ass.

crizzy101 5

I find it hard to believe that you had no idea he was a jealous psycho before you decided to live with him. Unless you up and moved in before getting to know him. In either case, YDI. If you knew, you should have dumped him; if you didn't know, than you moved in way too soon. That really sucks that he did that. Sorry, OP.

who has CDs still? no seriously you're better off without the jealous psycho. unless you have a history of cheating. we really need more of the story.

hire a hit man and have him killed. it's an investment in the jeen pool