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Girls gone wild

By Anonymous - 22/01/2023 06:00 - United States

Today, the only girl who seems semi-interested in me is my ex-girlfriend, who bails out every time we make plans to meet up. I deserve to be treated better, but better wants nothing to do with me. Genuinely kind girls tell I'm too short, or assume I have ulterior motives. I hate hookups and dating in your twenties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 733
You deserved it 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dating can be tough, but don't give up! Be yourself, stand up for your beliefs, and eventually, you'll meet someone who makes you for you.

1 look at the type of girls you're looking at. genuinely nice girls don't give a hoot about your height. 2 take a long look into yourself, you may not be the nice guy you think you are. girls love nice guys. we don't love "nice guys."


Dating can be tough, but don't give up! Be yourself, stand up for your beliefs, and eventually, you'll meet someone who makes you for you.

Wanting to get laid is a motive -- nothing ulterior about it. It's infuriating in this age of inclusivity where racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, body-shaming, etc. are all condemned, but blatant discrimination against short men is somehow socially acceptable.

vinvin2210 15

Wait for your 30s.. No, it doesn't get better

I've heard that dating in your 70s or later is fantastic. Just hang in there for a half-century.

1 look at the type of girls you're looking at. genuinely nice girls don't give a hoot about your height. 2 take a long look into yourself, you may not be the nice guy you think you are. girls love nice guys. we don't love "nice guys."

cpguru24 17

Meh most women are interested in guys their height or taller. Sure there are a few out there that say they don't care, but I think really they do care. And there is nothing wrong with that btw. As someone who is 5'2 and dated in his 40's, it does not get better however be patient and when you least expect it something will come along that will suit you just fine.

Interesting that lesbians would also be focused on getting a tall significant other. When that isn't something guys really care about for women.

lalalaila777 24

start doing things you want to do on your own, then you'll find people who are in to what you are that you can connect with, then go to those things together with new people. that was how i did it when i was a young stay at home mom with no friends, and it worked to meet some cool people