By Unclicked - 01/08/2009 11:58 - Singapore

Today, my long-distance boyfriend wanted to spend time online with me. He kept quiet on Skype and went on a hundred different stupid websites, laughing by himself. Afterwards, he told me he really enjoyed our time together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 258
You deserved it 7 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you communicate that that wasn't what you had in mind? If not, YDI for not understanding this well-known difference between guys and girls. The fact that he thanked you shows the time you'd just spent "together" online was very meaningful for him—and exactly what he was looking for. Trust me, most guys can do something in the general proximity of someone else and then walk away feeling it as having been a bonding time. Go talk about it with him.

at least you spent time hearing each other breathe XD. better than some can say.


i moderated this one! sucks OP, maybe call him instead of online?

and rack up a huge phone bill? throw him away like yesterday's newspaper, OP. Or tell him how you feel and try to make it work.

YDI for having a long distance boyfriend

lmmmr 0

jandersoniii, you must be so disappointed. You really peaked at the fake feminist "all sex is rape" trolling. Ever since it's just lacked that certain something, you know?

Um, they could have at one point been living closer to one another until one of them had to move. Or possibly, this could be a military situation. It's not her fault.

@6: Oh please. What's to say she wasn't being boring? And it was just one call. One thing about Skype is that everyone expects someone ELSE to say something first, it's rather funny, so that usually makes one-on-one person calls failures. Full parties are neat.

i totally know what you mean, i was at my ex's who also happened to be a long distance relationship, i was out there for 4 days and all the ******* time she was on the computer and thanked me for coming out and spending time with her -.-

Now THAT is something to bitch about; actually BEING THERE and being ignored. Skype calls not so much.

You guys are missing the point. YDI for dating long distance. Unless they were on vacation, why waste your time dating someone you can't physically hang out with? Just my opinion.

@69 If you love them, who gives a shit what anyone else says? (Also LOL for being comment 69)

at least you spent time hearing each other breathe XD. better than some can say.

This is like the Wow-video boyfriend DUMP HIM!

online boyfriend? do you ever plan to meet?

She said long-distance, not online. They probably have met but don't get much chance to do it very often. @OP: I don't really think YLIF, but it does suck when the person you're chatting with doesn't give you their undivided attention.

And? Did you enjoy your time together too? Jk. I think you should dump him!

Did you communicate that that wasn't what you had in mind? If not, YDI for not understanding this well-known difference between guys and girls. The fact that he thanked you shows the time you'd just spent "together" online was very meaningful for him—and exactly what he was looking for. Trust me, most guys can do something in the general proximity of someone else and then walk away feeling it as having been a bonding time. Go talk about it with him.

Tbuccola 0

I so agree with you. I do that all the time. If someone is just in a circle with me hanging out, but we don't really speak, I still feel closer. This still fits into this situation, in a way. OP, it's a guy thing. We're different for a reason!! Haha that's why we have seperate bathrooms!!!

lmmmr 0

#18- What you described is not a guy thing, it's an everyone thing. And yeah, in a normal relationship doing everyday things together is great bonding time. But when your communication is so limited already, spending your time "together" not communicating at all is only going to make the relationship worse. But OP, if you just sat there and didn't say anything, YDI.

I hate to break it to you OP, but if you have real chemistry, then just the fact that you're 'together' (even online) is enough to bond. And it's true that it's an everybody thing; my girlfriend and I (we are currently long-distance until December) can go hours without really saying anything, and still both feel fulfilled and enjoy the time we spent together.

my thoughts exactly. there are times where u dont need to speak to each other, you dont even need to be staring at each other. sometimes, you dont even need to be touching like holding each other or anything at all. sometimes, just having the person you care about deeply around, while u go on your normal routines is more fulfilling and relaxing having to talk for hours and hours. that's not to say that talking isn't important because it is. its just that there are certain times where one must feel like some nice relaxing time. no worries, no thoughts, just there with each other doing your everyday thing. and it seems like he appreciated it and enjoyed it too. he got exactly what he needed, to have u around. also, the fact that he WANTED to video chat with you to begin with, means that he missed u deeply as well. although with all that said, being a girl myself i sometimes will have too high expectations too and ruin a moment that would have been perfect just the way it is. and also, long distance relationships are difficult situations. but just try to lay back, take a deep breath, and relax. appreciate things for what they are and you'll also find the beauty in the little things that doesn't necessarily requires any big gestures, or any gestures at all. :)

Ravemaster7 0

I'm sorry, I know it's off topic, but why, for the love of God, do people type 'u' AND 'you' in the same paragraph? If you're going to be awful at English, please, stick to your guns.

shut up dip shit why do ppl find it so necessary to correct all the time who freaking cares if u are old and mature enough to get the point then that should be good enough this is not school so nobodies grammar spelling and punctuation needs to be perfect you shouldn't care so much about such dumb shit

deaditegirl 0

And you didn't speak up and say that this bothered you why? YDI for being a doormat.

Maybe he was watching some hilarious ****. You can never tell.

Omg I was totally thinking that thankks for saying it