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By kay - 03/12/2009 02:06 - United States

Today, I received an email from my stepmom. It was a picture of a boy that she said she thought I might like to know. Next to the picture was the message, "He comes from a good military background." My love life is so pathetic that my stepmother feels the need to try and set me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 349
You deserved it 4 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is he decent-looking? Does he seem like a nice guy? You might give him a chance. If he turns out to be a douche, nothing lost but a little of your time. If he turns out to be cool, who cares how you met?

it's only because they care about you. get out more. go out with your friends. you may not feel like it but it can be quite fun and you might meet the man of your dreams while you're at it.


Least she cares enough not to let you go your whole life without someone. I don't feel your pain.

it's only because they care about you. get out more. go out with your friends. you may not feel like it but it can be quite fun and you might meet the man of your dreams while you're at it.

Wow, thats sad. Youll find somebody one day. Dont sweat it doll. But in mesn time, FYL!

misspeg you optimism brings some light to this fml but life isnt like not a pesimist just a realist

Shafreeka 8

You could really meet the man of your dreams anywhere, ya know...

well I didn't mean literally the man of your dreams like a prince on a white horse. more like someone she could really get to like/know an possibly fall in love with. that's pretty realist isn't it?

no...more like go to a party and meet a guy date him for 2 days get in a fight, be pissed, and never speak again. You may run into a few of these. thats REAL modern day knight ona white horse!

Is he decent-looking? Does he seem like a nice guy? You might give him a chance. If he turns out to be a douche, nothing lost but a little of your time. If he turns out to be cool, who cares how you met?

dont listen to Karma^^ what duz he kno!? hes a friggen dionsaur!!! look at his pic!!! a dino!!!! look!!! dont listen to him bout looks!

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

I agree, there's a reason they went extinct you piece of shit dinosaur wannabe

I'm sure it says more about your stepmother than it does about you.

Moms and stepmoms and aunts and grandmas do this. Not an FML.

yeah, that was kinda nice. she just wants you to be happy with someone. :)

You think your life is ****** just because a family member is trying to hook you with someone, which only happens to just about every person at some point in their lives? And somehow his having a military background is the worst detail of them all?? I mean, I can't even click "YDI" because you being a miserable ******* brat means that you DON'T deserve to get set up with a guy who's disciplined, accomplished, reliable, dedicated and almost certainly in shape, among a million other traits he probably has. How do these insufferably whiny and entitled FMLs written by spoiled 14 year old shrews get past moderators? Is there no perspective left in the world?

I completely agree, and I still clicked YDI. If she thinks that an attempt to set her up with a good man is such a horrible thing for poor little her, then she deserves to not be with said good man. Granted, there is a chance that he might not be such, but I'm saying this based on the perspective that the stepmother thought he was decent. Ergo, she is complimenting the OP by saying that she thinks the OP would be a good match for a good man. It would have been a FML if her stepmother was trying to set her up with a man from a "good heroin background."