Glue ear

By NoMoreHeadphones - 08/09/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, I was listening to my iPod while changing the diaper on my baby. One earbud fell out of my ear and onto the changing table so I quickly picked it up without looking and put it back in my ear, only to realize the headphone had fallen onto more than a table. I now have brown earphones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 856
You deserved it 47 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you listen to your iPod while changing your child's diaper? Way to teach your kid poor manners early on.

Brings a whole new meaning to shitty music like Brokencyde, Jeffree Star, and Millionaires...


See now that just brings in the question of what you consider a gf Considering this FML is about a little baby........yeah you're going to have to stay 200 feet away from a school..........oh and Chuckie Cheese

i guess you could say your hearing has gone to shit. XD

Hei, :) Um.. jeg vet ikke hvor jeg skal begynne jeg vennen :( for det første, er det vel at jeg savner deg - og at jeg er MANIA fra gamle hp1, og at jeg har glemt passordet på hunden! :( men nå er jeg tilbake, og jeg håper vi forsatt er venner. og jeg håper vi kan møtes i den nye parken, om du har tid? :) Uansett, jeg er glad i deg, kusina mi! ^^

brings new meaning to "you got to hear this shit!!!"

Good on you. Teach them independence straight from the womb. No one is going to listen to them anyways when they get older, so we might as well start teaching them that as infants. I know I love it when the only person around me wears headphones to drown me out.

icannotbelieveit 0

I was gonna say just wash it but it's electrical so what I will say now is... OWNED!

BUY NEW ONES! As easy as that. You don't need to buy $100 earphones like the Bose ones, Buy the iPod one 4 like $20. Apple store has them.

More like buy the Apple in-ear headphones. I've owned a pair since I bought my iPod 2 years ago and they've never fallen out on me.